Help With Forum Issues Available Here!

I’m in traffic now, but I’ll be back in half hour for an important question related to this…

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No same ID, I first downloaded game 1.5 years ago so I can see that but it is just not there


This is not in my understanding. So this is my question: are you speaking of an account overwriting?? I have little knowledge about this subject and with my poor judgment, I see the things like this: the player’s progress is somewhere in a virtual place, right? No matter how long you’ve been offline, that progress is continuing on. I don’t know about this Game Center, but I use Google Play since the beginning. As far as I know, it is impossible to be overwritten. As long as you have one, you as player, are always prompted to sign in. This is the case you use your own device. But if you take another device and start playing, of course it is another progress, a new one. But pressing the sign in button and logging in with your account, Google Play will deliver automatically your saved progress, but not at the moment you signed off on the other device, no no. It is always the present, because this progress runs uninterrupted in a virtual world.

The only situation when something like this may go wrong, is with the some stupid developed games, which actually have “save” instead “sign in”. I saw this at that pathetic copy of E&P, Dragon Strike. There you can actually save your progress on the same account. If you change the device, you are starting over and you actually accidentally save that new progress on your account, you’re doomed. The old progress is lost forever.

But I don’t see how this may happen to E&P. Smart guys our devs (on this matter at least :smile:). You cannot save your progress, you only are allowed to sign in your GP account. Besides, another smart thing at E&P, should something gone wrong and GP is not connected, the Dark Lord appears and warns you about that :smile:

Anyway, I don’t see how it is possible a progress to be lost or overwritten at E&P. And I speak only for Google Play, which I used in hundreds of games and I know how it works in this virtual world.

Apple’s Game Center works the same way as Google Play. You sign in, and your progress is restored, just like you’re describing.

I’m not sure why that process doesn’t work sometimes, but it’s clearly happened to people on both Android and iOS.

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Who knows what they actually did, right? :innocent:

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Besides, in my opinion, this is a problem concerning GP or GC, not E&P. They also have support. And I know of people who got their (lost somehow) progress back, as long as you can prove you’re the owner of the account. Because like I said, that progress is somewhere running in the virtual world :smile:

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Yes, SG can and does recover lost account progress. It’s clearly saved on their servers.

I don’t see my hyperlink button and others in this rectangle. What happened? :innocent:


Tap on the three lines button and the menu will re-expand.

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Thank you, it worked. I’m such a forum noob…

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Is there anywhere here on forum a list with all the heroes cards? I remember last year I saw one made by Anchor, but I cannot find it. Typing “heroes cards” at search results in other threads.

This might help: New! All Updated Hero Rosters (including costumed heroes, trainer heroes and family bonuses)


Continuing the discussion from Forum Help Available Here!:

i created a draft, but i am not certain how to post. please help.

Hi @angelwarrior, welcome to the Forum!

You seem to have just posted successfully. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you mean creating a new topic instead of replying, the top post of this thread has information on the basic requirements needed before you can do that.

Thanks I will review. I was also trying to post from my laptop and the formatting of the screen is different. Should I be able to post, reply and etc from my laptop?

Yep! As long as you’re logged into your same Forum account, you can use your laptop as well.

I hop between my phone and laptop for posting on the Forum every day, depending on what I’m doing.

In attempting to reply to you from my laptop, i cant get it work. Here is what I am doing…From my laptop…when I click the reply from your last post it brings up a dialog box where I enter the reply. I then click on the reply on the upper left of the dialog box. When I click on that, it gives me 3 options, which are (1) reply as linked topic, (2) new message and (3) reply to topic. No matter what link I click, I dont see it under forum help.

That’s not where you want to click to post a message you’ve composed.

There should be a Reply button on the bottom left, like this:

That’s the problem, my screen doesn’t show a reply in the bottom left. I have tried different browsers (i.e. chrome. Ie) and it is the behavior.

I’m not sure why that would be.

On my Mac (in Chrome) I can also hit Command+Return to post, instead of using the button. I assume there’s an equivalent keyboard shortcut on Windows too.