Heimdall or Telluria

Great point about the challenge events. I took him farming (unleveled) and was still able to get Ursena, Justice, Hel and Lianna to 3k health, which blew my mind lol

Yeah, that’s pretty awesome. I think Heimdall is still great at 3-70 because of his high defense and that extra hp

proteus is the cure-all for people who can’t complete challenge events. heimdall is way harder to get and not nearly as effective. and for those who want to high score, heimdall isn’t very useful.

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I don’t know why you have directed this post as a reply to my post as clearly you’ve not read it as:

Is fundamentally incorrect considering this from the post…

Which were the two main reasons I gave for opting for him of which Telluria does neither. She isn’t bringing an attack buff for Titans and she isn’t able to reverse the Max Health Reduction effect that we received a taste of in beta with Alfrike and Fura that clearly SGG will expand further.

You’re entitled to your opinion but if you cannot respect other posters enough not to strawman and distort what they say don’t expect them not to respond in kind.

As I said for my bench Telluria doesn’t bring anything I don’t already have - in terms of green healing I have 6 x Albys, 1 x Mother North and an emblemed Melendor. In terms of mana control have 6 x Hel, 2 X Onatel (you know what as this one covers mana slowers, cutters and silence-type effects that one would go on awhile) and for Green tank for tournies I have Yunan already. Whereas Heimdall with the two attributes I highlighted in my quoted section does bring me something I don’t have.

Which returns to my overall conclusion based on testing both heroes maxed extensively in beta - which is best to power first depends on each player’s individual bench and what skills they need or are lacking but thank you for trying to explain in you opinion which my bench needed more.


I wasn’t trying to tell you which hero you should pick, it was just an opinion and since we both have different preference over this two heroes, I thought it wast just right to reply to your post so anybody with mixed thoughts could compare different opinions. It wasn’t like I was trying to prove you wrong or anything. It’s a public forum, I think anybody posting should know that any post here is exposed to somebody else’s reply.

You may say that now but what you wrote does not agree that you “weren’t trying to prove me wrong.”

You claimed that the reasons for which I had said I was going with Heimdall were also present in Telluria (which as I have highlighted they weren’t) and by that logic were opting for Telluria (insinuating that based on the points/criteria I had laid out as suppositions I had drawn an incorrect conclusion).

By virtue of the fact you have introduced incorrect suppositions to your own argument (as per the claim Telluria possess all the qualities I highlighted for why I was opting for Heimdall) your comparison becomes unhelpful to people as it is no longer true.

I have never had an issue debating with anyone genuinely interested in debating an issue with me. However when a person takes another’s points and distorts them from they actually say to make their case they are no longer trying to debate the facts in evidence but trying to win one over on the caricature they’re attempting to create. Once they can’t be bothered to respect what the other person has said a productive discussion goes out the window and I refuse to waste my time progressing it further.

As I said before you are entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to disagree with me. You are not entitled to twist another’s words to give the appearance that they said or claimed something they didn’t and similarly if you make inaccurate claims expect them to be challenged.

Edit: Anyway this is just going off topic now, I suggest you return to the topic in hand - preferably in someone else’s direction. I’ve said my piece and corrected the necessary inaccuracies.

Back on task now that you’ve measured each other. Who’s first to the tonics between these two


Here’s another angle to the question: I’m really looking forward to bring one of them to my auto-play team; s3 would take a long, long long time to complete otherwise. both seem to be great for that. One heals and gives minions and does some damage; the other revives your dead heroes.

HOWEVER, which is better? I’m not so sure about stacking for auto-play since the AI almost seems to be purposely stupid.

I decided Telluria even though Heimdall seems really tempting.
I found that for offense raids Heimdall is, well, slow, just another healer UNLESS you bring a second healer like Melendor; in that case he can be pretty awesome since he would fire shortly after Mel topping your hp.
For challenges I like him better for the reason I mentioned above if your not competing for top, but Telluria fallows closely.
The rest of his skills I could bring revives scrolls and bear banners if needed.

So, I think Telluria brings more skills that are not easily replaceable to the table. Also, telluria casting 3 times would give around +825hp in form of minions.

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Autoplay i would say telluria would be better

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I only pulled telluria so im going with her. She seems more applicable in more areas of the game. Which for me. My main importance is titans and mono raids. And telluria is good enough to replace mel and give me crit boost to all my greens.

Pretty sure Telluria is a dude. Lotta fur coming outta the chest area, armour suggests it, title def does. God not goddess. Sg def uses gender titles, lord lady, empress emperor, priest priestess, etc…

Hotm goes male female male female and so on. So yeah its a she

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Just suuuuuuuuper ugly lol

Well title sez it all. Even tho Ursena is half animal/ human she’s still called empress, and her upper body also suggests it. This one is called a God, so being female doesn’t make sense given the title deference sg shows… oh well it’s not like the first thing that enters your mind, but some are saying she and some are saying he. I’m thinking pan is the inspiration.

not really.
Gregorion was followed by Drake and Evelyn was followed by Onatel.

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I think it was a more recent pattern. But yes your right about the title so maybe they are changing it up. Also i swear looking at it at first i swore it looked more feminine. Looking at it now it does seem more masculine. Lol

After careful consideration, I have determined that Heimdall is the better of the two in the long run. Telluria and Heimdall both have counters, true, but the former has more than the latter. Next month alone Malosi will arrive to mega punch Telluria’s lights out, so how long is her reign of supremacy going to be? She is capable of much, but is halted by many:

Lady Locke
Queen of Hearts
And soon to be Malosi.

Are some of these the same counters for Heimdall, yes, but some of them aren’t and some wouldn’t have any relevance against him. Perhaps I’m missing something, but Telluria isn’t the hero everyone made her out to be.

Also don’t forget his allies gain 10% mana when he dies… :slight_smile:

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Sg is just playing mind games with us lol… a bit ambiguous.