Heimdall or Telluria

Personally I would go Heimdall.

I don’t need another tank - or even a green tank as I have Yunan (though hasn’t been maxed).

I do have Alby and Mother North so Heimdall’s revive doesn’t factor into my considerations.

What does is that currently Max Health Reduction is verging on a broken skill that whilst is only going to be on Alfrike now looks like it will come to other heroes such as Fura later. Currently Heimdall is the only hero that can reverse the Max Health Reduction in any way AND he also comes with an attack boost up so he would boot Gadeirus out of his spot on my anti-Blue Titan team.

So yeah I’m going Heimdall as I see his future raid potential increasing in value over time (and he isn’t too shabby for Titans currently). A hero’s tank potential is the very last consideration I have for a hero as tanks tend to have the shortest time period before they have a bunch of direct counters introduced so really I prefer heroes I use at tank to be useful elsewhere for when their tanking days may pass them. Before Telluria’s Heal over Time was needed down to 4 turns I was OK with using her as an offensive healer as well however now it’s just a little too low for my liking. Yes she has the minions but they need her being maxed for full health and based on the greens I already have waiting for ascension she doesn’t move high enough in that priority queue just off minions alone.

Don’t get me wrong Telluria is a great hero, by having a little bit of everything with a bit of damage, bit of healing, some minions and a small mana reduction she’s a bit of a Jack of All Trades who is great for most but as I’m already packing Masters in each of those trades she’s not really adding as much to my roster as Heimdall is… Would have preferred it if her HoT and Mana Gen Down had stayed at 4 turns and her small amount of damage removed instead but anyways.

Heimdall gets my vote but that’s based on my own personal needs which sort of hints at the answer really - the best option for you depends on your roster and what skills and roles you may be lacking.


Thanks very informative and great points to ponder on.

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He can change the board in favor of the enemy when we use him in the deffensive team I think. Correct me if I’m wrong.

No what it does is decrease the attack of green tiles when he is defensive.

I won’t be surprise if somehow someone got really lucky and post his summon result here… Heimdall AND Bonus Telluria. I’ll leave my comment here so I can comeback and check who is this sick lucky dude :yawning_face:

oh, if I’m that lucky, I think i’ll level Telluria first and I can move GM to the flank position. But I’ll make Heimdall to 3.70 because I think his ability will do great even if he’s not maxed


I will hate that guy for life! Lol


Will you guys summon on march 1st or on the second valhalla portal of march?

I think most people I’ve talked to will be having a crack on the 1st of march to see if they get Tulleria… If they don’t there is a second opportunity at the end of the month with Valhalla Portal for March.

How true will it be that the more people summon at the same time the better chances are of getting the hero you want?

About as true as a politician’s pledge.

Every single pull is an independent roll of a random number generator, the number of people pulling at the time has no effect on the outcome.



YouTube gurus think otherwise. may God bless their soules. Me, I’m gonna pull on the second portal

Yes and there are plenty of “bloggers” who think that vaccines cause autism… doesn’t make them correct :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m waiting for the 1st. …trying to lol

How is this lucky?:unamused:I only have a set of tonics​:laughing:


daaaaaaamn, talk about a grail pull


I’m right there with you… pulled Heimdall last month and got JF, and with 3 pulls this month out popped Telluria. I’m torn but I’ve no other reviver so going with Heimdall first, I think… lol

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Congrats on that very lucky pull! S…H…IT, I wish it had cost me 3 pulls. Those are pretty much all the 5* in a ton of pulls. I wanted the purple one.

Bruh… lol well u will have the tonics eventually lol

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I’ve tryed both in the first Atlantis stages and both complement each other nicely, quite difficult to kill. However, having to choose from the two, I picked Telluria. Most of the points you see in Heimdall I see them in Telluria. He’s not just good as tank, being average I can use him on defense as flank or any offense as a support hero, too. Also, those minions and 411hp add up around 670hp and in buff wars, his attk can finish a weakened hero.

Heimdall is a beast, no doubt about it, but being slow, if in PvP, he’s special becomes a healing like any other because by the time he’s charged most heroes will have taken some damage already.
Where I think he will shine is in the challenge events especially for those who have a hard time completing them; doubling your heroes hp around 3k just before getting to the boss’s stage. That’s crazy!