Goblins just got the fun away

Wars and raids against these teams full of Goblins became just ridiculous. The way their specials acts make the whole thing unfair and unbalanced at my point of view. Even same level heroes from other families and portals cannot match against them unless you get awesome boards. It’s time to stop launching new heroes every week and put the train on trails again. E&P needs a serious balance revision for all heroes, but specially Goblins.


I own 3 unique goblins, and would agree that overall, it takes a goblin to counter a goblin

The will let them dominate a while and then bring new heroes with passives that grant immunity to wither and whatnot…


Goblins, Owls… whoever comes next…people claim they are ridiculously OP but I win just as many fights against them as I lose. There are other heroes I struggle with more than those new families. I find Waterpipe to be great against Goblins. I assume other mana controllers are just as viable.

And thats just the point: its all roster dependant I guess.


Here’s another one that just came in


Exactly. There’s always something new coming up to create a new meta.

I said this in the beta-beat thread

And I stick by it.

The top spenders are affected by this most. Their spending habits determine what happens to the rest of the game. When the metrics show a change is needed, they’ll introduce a change. The main thing I’m annoyed about is the ridiculous Toons - in part to their 75% passive but mainly due to the artwork.

At least goblins look like they fit into the world.

I’ve had to cup-drop to find variety and fun in the game while raiding (and I have!). You adapt or you leave.


I have that hero, and have gotten good results, generally.

But I’ve found that the more goblins on a team I face, the more luck I need to win, regardless of my lineup.

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this 100000% :slight_smile: would have left the game long ago without this

I’ll happily play down there, lower, where I don’t need to fight the latest meta heroes (as I don’t have many other meta heroes to counter them with lol)


This morning’s Goblin team revenge…

c2 Li Xiu and Waterpipe are the dreamteam here.


A problem is that the exponential power rush keeps pushing the problem downward. A defense “only” needs a couple of real problem heroes to increasingly become yet one more “nope” to a have-not player.

I’m hardly a big-shot spender, but it feels like the “no-fly” zone keeps grinding ever-downward in Diamond:


And as much as OP heroes can be a problem generally, at least some of them can be mitigated somewhat by means other than “just never let this hero fire” — but the Growth/Wither mechanic pretty much is designed to ignore other game mechanics (which seems… odd, especially given that “Mega Minions” were tweaked to have partial vulnerability to minion removal).

A potential irony here, though I understand this comment from an aesthetic point (compared to toons), is that both goblin Growth/Wither and toon “lolnope immune to everything” … don’t fit into the game mechanic world by largely ignoring existing mechanics.

OP is bad enough, but “ignores your stuff” is worse.

I suppose if the best, or increasingly only, counter to a hero is either “have this kind of hero yourself” or “make sure this hero just never fires” that’s a pretty harsh condemnation of the hero in itself.

The other consideration is whether one has Big Damage options that can knock the enemy into oblivion with only one or two big hitters (e.g. Hurricane, GHippo plus anything else firing relatively quickly), so that bringing significant controllers plus any healing/support doesn’t hurt too much.

If one needs 3-4 heroes to deliver enough damage to actually reliably knock out enemy heroes… bringing several controllers on a single team can be an unaffordable luxury.


This is true. I was only thinking this morning that it seems only yesterday Hippo was being exulted as “OP”. I raided against an Aramis yesterday and thought “Huh, what happened to him”?

Yes. It’s a genuine arms race now. And the legendary troops are just adding to it.

I have to admit that even as an ardent supporter of ‘playing until the fun stops’, I felt especially disillusioned at the release of the new ‘Gargoyles’ into Beta yesterday. It increasingly feels like the game is getting away from me.



Do tell me more…

Not sure I agree with this, Bob.

There are a large amount of heroes that can prevent other heroes from firing. I didnt pay a penny for c2 Li Xiu and I have 2 of them, so they cant be that hard to get hold off as I only use costume keys that I get for free.

Preventing heroes firing has been a good strategy for as long as ive been playing.

I dont disagree with them creating the odd powerhouse hero. I just want them to slow down on how often they come out.


You can find it all out here. But I’ve seen them and they’re horrible.

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ugh, same. I’ve now been seeing posts dismissing Hippo, whereas not too long ago, Hippo was all the rage…

Right now, I raid/war at a level where I’m still not feeling it too much, but in the back of my mind, I do worry, how long it will be until I feel it at this level…


This evening’s Goblin defeat

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Yup, that´s what I am thinking as well

I would say those affected by this most are the medium spenders trying to keep up with the top spenders. The top spenders will spend and get these heroes. The medium spenders may get one (or two) but have to learn to face against them or drop down some.

Just my take… I think they released those legendary troops to beef up defences so they can start releasing monsters that do 2k+ as an attack stat. The power creep is not so much a creep now and more of a sprint :rofl:

I’ve gone about 50/50 against the goblins, I honestly don’t find them so bad if I can get luck in my favour with good tile matches. Seems I always run into the combo of Darkfeather and Smarttongue must be some synergy there.

Luna has been more of a pita for me I hate those mana control heroes lol. Seems like they go off way more on def


The goblins will phase out once the norm gets closer to 2k atk/def and going up or down by 200/300 will be too little compared to a classical 40-50% buff (which would be 800-1000 even if only temporary).