Gamebreaking flaw in Alliance Wars discovered!

you forgot… Basement cat

I don’t play them anymore WAY UNTIL FAIR

(I have an extensive Basement Cat collection…) :grin:


Sadly this issue has been around a lot longer then you would possibly believe. I actually noticed small hints that this was happening all the way back to the first war. Thanks for letting the @Rook out of the bag you single handedly killed the game. @Bertus if you are going to put a number out there like half or 50% you should do some research first. It happens 52% of the time. May not seem like a big difference but with as many Alliances as there are 2% is a big number. I really feel like you are trolling with these MADE UP NUMBERS!!!


I believe any such figure would have a statistical tolerance of +/-2%

Everyone knows that (98-102% of everyone)


Did you know that 83,7215% of all statistics are made up out of random numbers?


U mad bro?

20 need moar chars.

After yesterday’s BBQ I think there’s actually 104% of me. Your numbers are false. XD

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  1. That’s the answer you were looking for. You end your sentence with a question mark, this means you have a question. This is the answer. I know your question was rhetorical. That is irrelevant. I’m referring to the question behind the question. The answer to that question? 42.

Bringing back a 2-year-old topic from the grave, but I just wanted somewhere relevant to post this screenshot, which I find particularly awesome. Do you see it?

Throw me a bone? Just assume I really am a moron. :crazy_face:

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Hint: You can only attack one team at a time.


I saw that part but it seemed the icons were different. I haven’t seen that before I don’t think (two different icons).

EDIT: my eyesight is shocking, the VS is behind the timer!! Which would be why they look different!

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My screen was delayed so the timers on two defeated opponents showed up, but it didn’t remove the players, who defeated them, although it shows both players in their current battles, as well.

It was a glitch but still neat to me.

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