Forum Challenge Event Discussion

I just realized I had no more bats yesterday. I plan to do that tonight. Very soon.

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Two entries? :thinking:

I moved this one here for you.

Moving this one here as it did. It happen at the end of a turn (cascade is still flowing).

Congratulations for the winner @DaveCozy, @Breeze, and @Goguma!!! :+1: :muscle: :tada:

Next time It should be me! At least I have a chance :sunglasses:
@discobot, you should pick me next time okay :muscle: :cake: :coffee:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Congratulations:@DaveCozy, @Breeze, and @Goguma !

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Congrats winners!

Looking forward to the next Forum Challenge! For Teltoc maybe??

Donā€™t count on that one. :blush:

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Maybe some challange about the Ninja tower ? :smiley:

Iā€™m open fir suggestions.

Ooh, I like this one. Maybe the numbers are too small, but something about status effects definitely sounds fun. Could encourage different teams to try and get enough.

Drawing hero is not challenge.


Really? Hmnnn. I guess my view is different then since I donā€™t summon using gems anymore as I visit the summoning portals using free pulls. @littleKAF said he was open to ideas so I just threw it in there. Up to him anyway. Well, since noone liked it, I guess anybody can scrap that.

Ive deleted that entire post. Thanks for your valued opinion.

Lol @Guvnor. You donā€™t have to undelete and like that post. Some thought that summoning certain specific hero/es using single pulls is not a challenge so I scrapped and deleted that post. :grin::grin::grin:

Thanks, anyways :heart::heart::heart:

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Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:


Some ideas worth considering. Iā€™ll have to look at it.

Halloween was popular. Maybe Christmas event? The diamond one could work as the ice blocks would make that more challenging.

The summoing part is not a challenge, but the others are good challenges, arenā€™t they?

Maybe for you, or some players who regularly summon everytime a challenge. For me, getting event heroes or HOTM past or present is a challenge especially since I have limited resources using only free tokens, coins and keys as I donā€™t use gems for summoning anymore. I donā€™t know if the rest of the F2Ps share the same sentiment since most heroes pulled are S1 classic heroes. For summoners using gems, it may also pose a challenge since instead of doing x10 pulling which is cheaper than doing 10 single pulls. Again, itā€™s not summoning a hero, but certain heroes. But I as you said, itā€™s not a challenge for you. You must have all or most heroes then. Lucky you.

I am F2P, for me collecting free summons is a challenge but the summoning itself is a lottery.

As for heroes, I still lack a lot of heroes, I still donā€™t have Buddy, Wilbur, and Almur.

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