🧭 First Path of Valor Log and Discussion – Starts February 3

That’s it for the Valor Challenge.

There may be Daily Challenges related to Raiding along the way too, though.

And welcome to the Forum! :slightly_smiling_face:


You can not open 4 chest daily unless you pay monthly membership fee or use gems to speed up chest appearance time.

In both cases is not free.

And if you spend gems and not buy a valor pass might end up spending more resources than gaining as rewards.

Each chest opens up every 12 hrs, so I complete one raid/monster chest in the morning, and them again one set in the night. Most of the time I skip when only 53 mins remain, which takes 1 gem (which you will anyhow gain back from the rewards). And I have been doing this like forever, way before PoV came along. I do this to get more elemental chests.


Paying monthly membership fee is probably the most efficient deal of all but it is still paying not truly FTP.

If this is the case there should be no problem. I was talking for completely FTP player (no memebrship, no gems to speed up, no gems to pull).

I do not even need the ascension material (1 item) I have plenty of them and no heroes to use them on.

I was just asking why is it called free if it is not free. And even if you buy the valor pass still will not be able to make it to the end.

So are you saying that I am not F2P because I spend my hard earned gems (from other loots in the game) to skip chests? I mean I did get all those gems for free only for doing other things in the game.


You will always have to skip to may be make it. Even if monsters chests are the easiest still need time (15 min) to play.

It is a bit harder for heroes chests unless you have raid potions. which probably everybody has since they show up is quests a lot. But still even with good boards it takes time to raid. 8 raids (30 to 60 minutes).

If you have elemental chest sometimes can be draggy but at least the reward is more coins.

Then if your level is not high enough you have to spend world energy flasks.

At the end when you draw the line the free tier valor rewards is just not worth the effort.

Well, just like everything else in the game, if you feel that it is not worth it, you don’t have to participate in it. As I said elsewhere too, you are technically only losing out on 1x 4 star AM, every 60 days. In the same time frame, you get 6x 4 star AMs from rare quests alone.

Anyway, I wish you all the best and I hope that you are able to enjoy the game in your own way. Good luck and may RNG be with you.


Hey Pirate, I never really thought about it because I always reset chests ( as soon as I can). Without doing that you can complete 4 a day on average? 2+2 I take it.


I do reset it when 53 mins is remaining (for 1 gem) or sometimes when 1hr 27 mins is remaining (for 2 gems) if I am busy. The monster chest is the easy one. For the raid chest I try to compound my raids with tournament attacks. So, say in the morning I do 6 raids + 2 tournament wins, and in the night another 6 raids + 2 tournament wins (that gives a wiggle room for 1 tournament loss per day). Of course, I use partial cup dropping (which means I still stay in diamond but I don’t put my strongest defense, I use reroll if it’s a really tough team, and I keep the relatively easier revenges in the watchtower for using during this period). Most days it works, and for those days that doesn’t, I will use a raid flask. Been doing this for some time now.

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I get you don’t want to spend money on the game. But, the vip pass is cheap and makes playing so much easier. If your going to put the time in and want to do well ( I’m assuming you do because your posting a lot on this thread how hard it is)… why not spend the 5 dollars/ month or just come to terms with the fact your going to have to work twice as hard.

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Ok right on. I’m not as patient lol. I usually reset raid chests only but use the tourney hits as well like that ( also usually pay the 75 gems to continue for better loot and it’s cheaper then a flask to fill chests). I’ve never really figured out how many chests I fill a day… but I’m going to count the next week.


Yeah, it’s actually quite boring and grindy, but it is what it is :slight_smile:

I don’t pay the continue fee in the tournament. So for 5 star tournaments, this method goes out of the window and I rely more on the raid flasks. For 3/4 star tournaments, I usually reach the final day. Like for example, in the current one I am at 3 strikes after 4 days, so tomorrow it might be difficult for me to fill two raid chests using the tournament hits and I might be using a raid flask. I am more chill in the weekends, and usually end up with filling only one raid chest :slight_smile:


Yeah sounds like a very reasonable routine. Reading the above posts I don’t think you’ll have a problem getting enough summon tokens over the POV. I think the only risk is missing some of the daily tasks if a fella isn’t on for a weekend or odd busy day. ( that could happen to anyone)


I do not care if I am doing well.

I liked the game because it was fun in the beginning but you do not have the assets to do a lot.

Then slowly as you progress and gain heroes, there is versatility, strategy, planning which is even more interesting, especially the raid tournaments. I never cared for cups or to be on any kind of leader board.

Lately it is only all about HOTM or dumb challenges or pay so you can say you were one within the first 100 or 1000.

Only thing that is a bit interesting is what strategy can be done with some a bit different heroes.
Had no luck with 5 star heroes in general, no 5-star challenge event heroes, no heroes of the month, no 5-star seasonal event heroes.

Then costumes started and was about to be a bit different but they screw it up as usual.
Actually this is the only time I got lucky, first draw (old costume chamber set up without heroes) Lianna’s costume. Had this hero since running 4 TC20 for some time. Use the consume only as bonus to stats and now Lianna is somewhat competitive with the better heroes in the game.

All other improvements generally sucked and now Path of Valor is really nothing new.

Same old farming, raiding and titan fighting only you have to do it in the right order to try to get rewards that mean nothing.

I guess it is time for me to stop playing.

Yes, this is totally legit and can happen to anyone. But since they last for 24 hours and each of them probably just takes 5 minutes to complete, it should still be okay. There is still a long way to go, and I think this is just the introductory installment of PoV, so I am sure SG will make subtle changes to it in the upcoming ones, based on some constructive criticism from the player base :slight_smile:

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If you manage to hit all Valor challenges to maximum level.

You only need 46750 - 30000 = 16750 points

16750 / (3*125) = 44.67 or total of 45 days out of 50 days. So you can have 5 days vacation.

Yeah they add even small rewards to each tier and it’s a win for all. Being able to win time stops dragon bones and tornados multiple times in different points of the challenge tier all for that. Everyone one of those items will help with the titan challenges for everyone, and save people time and resources from having to craft them and they are always getting rewarded for things they would be doing anyway.


I totally agree. In fact, in beta this was my only feedback regarding the PoV and had a lot of support from seasoned veterans. So I hope that they do it some time in the future.


OK but what is the point of the Path of Valor.

No really new challenges to think how to make strategies to win (except how to collect coins).

Getting some gems if you pay, not so much if you do not pay.

All this advertised like something new and exciting.

You can pay may be a bit more and get materials, gems and items from the daily deals and you do not have to stress out and do anything.

Leaves the door open for different priced one that covers all tiers so this one is 9.99 but for 19.99 you get the version with something in every section.

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