Final blow to TC20 heroes

It’s because normal players that only have TC20 or don’t cram hundreds of dollars down their greedy throats are worthless in their eyes. The game has been mutated into a fraud.

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Try to put < before bombardment
And put > after bombardment

Remove the !

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Didn’t work


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Lol now I’m confused. I don’t know if we are agreeing now, or disagreeing. Personally, I’m c2p and don’t like the costumes either, but I also agree with @Guvnor, that theres no point in raising hell over speculation. As you were.




Actually I was tagging @zephyr1 to clear the speculation but I think he is still busy/offline.

Hmmm… That isn’t quite right though… this game only works if it has players… lots of them… there are a few big spenders, grouped in top alliances, but they are few compared to the bulk of the player base. I supose the big spenders are less than 1% of the player base. Most players are, I think, in the “very c2p” category. About 95% I would say… And for such players spending 300 gems for a costume pull is a hell of a lot… On the other hand, these are the players who use TC20 heroes, so the costumes were meant for them to get stronger… but if it’s impossible for them to get costumes, than what’s the point?! Costumes turn out to be another money grabbing scheme, not the little guys helping hand they were suposed to be…



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I think you’re not seeing the forest because of the trees… Actually the f2p / c2p who are supposed to be the ones that have the most to benefit from costumes (because they actually relly on TC20 heroes) are highly unlikely to get the costumes, because they can’t afford them. And even if they got a 5* costume, they might not have the matching hero…
The p2w who a actually can afford the costumes will never use them, they will just collect them as gallery trophies…


Another course of action is to set a reasonable expectation on costume key drop rates. And as a paying customer, request that current drop rates be matched to that expectation.

I’m thinking having biweekly costume quest would be nice. Pretty much in line with having one TC20 running, and you can summon them faster if needed. After running TC20 for over 6 months, I still am missing most of vanilla 5* and some 4*, so I don’t see it throwing game off balance either.

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I suggest as a starting guide you look at this topic for hints :wink:



So you are one of the anomalies. Success stories like yours are 1 in 300,000 or worse? (Making that up number though). Would it be possible for you now to make top 10 in both monthly? Point here is that the gap gets bigger.

That just proves my point that you aren’t competing in some part/s of the game by being in the 150ish top alliance. I just used the word “carry” for lack of better terms i guess. I did use the word or in that sentence.

My previous alliance leader was completely F2P and was the basis of my points on my post. His target back then was top 80ish alliance and we never streaked 10* titans (highest at that point). Had to leave cause I wanted to go after the biggest titans before quitting (so why am i still playing? Lol).

This is literally the thing… NOBODY KNOWS HOW OFTEN THE QUESTS WILL BE!!!

It’s less than 2 days old and already it’s the end of the world… Come on guys… Seriously…

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What do you mean? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We know the current costume key drop rate based on official announcement. That’s where the number 14 free costumes a year comes from. That’s a concrete number to base discussions around


That’s it for now.

Do you know that it’s only going to be 6 in the future?

Do you know if there will be other ways of getting keys?

Answer is no… You don’t.

3rd monday of the month as it has been stated…

What many ppl dont get: for us f/c2p people gems are worth a ton… and every spending of gems must be crucial. That is why most of us wont spend for troops either.

With introduction of costumes we hoped for a little improvement that could help us to get better chances in competing with the big guys… but that did not happen…

No we have this […] of a solution that will widen the gap between the players even more. Yes you can beat every team even as f2p… but for how long? With JF, Telluria and S3 Heroes coming in 2020 you wont be able to compete anymore… period.

I dont understand how ppl cannot see this coming.

Imo they should have done this with costumes:

Set keys equal to ETT… there should not be a way to buy them with gems (except bundle offers that could include 1 or 2 keys)

You should be able to pull with 2 keys and the quest should reward 3 (1,1,1) or 4 (1,1,2) keys.

With that way f2p and c2p would have (almost) the same chance for costumes as p2w/p2p players…

But with that given SG could not make profit with customes which is against their company rules…


I think you are misunderstanding my post completely or are really going off rails here

Point of my post was that currently we know drop rate is 72/year and I don’t think it’s sufficient. How am I wrong in expressing that?

How is this an ok thing to say, but me expressing I’d like to see quests be biweekly not ok?

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No I’m saying that this thread “final blow to TC20 heroes” is a massive over exageration.

I get that right now it doest seem like the odds are overly great BUT it’s less than 2 days old. Give it a chance… See what it’s like in a month’s time. See if there are more keys that drop from other places.

Don’t stress… It’s not the end of the world. Life will keep going and the world keep turning.

They had enough time to trial and error and kept it at error state to release it as it is… there wont be a change in the system… there will also be no change in AL … it will stay the same lousy crap feature until the end of time

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