📯 [February 2021] Valhalla Forever -- Discussion & Portal Stats/ Summons Results!

Unlike in Atlantis Rises - the loot is NOT increased

So, why don’t they make the harvester work in Valhalla Forever ?

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Because that would make too much sense and be too nice for us.


Things are very nice even as it is right now. For example, the 1st province. You get more xp at 3 WE on each of those maps compared to S2 9-10 which was the best WE 3 xp gainer previously. The loot of any 3 WE Valhalla maps is way way better than S1 8-7 or S1 9-1 as it is. Also, you get a chance to get Midgard gnomes. Frankly I don’t know why everyone’s so unhappy about the loot not being increased. It’s great as it is IMHO.


You will get a warning if you have reached the maximum amount of Gnomes (with a great title):

I thinks I had about of 20 Gnomes. Which costed me 14 WE flasks (* 52 flags) while farming for Avatar missions.


haters gonna hate, always xD

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Gnome drops a 250K food crate.


Another gnome for me netted me 5x Dragon Bones.
55x3 full energy so far:

3x Sorcerer Emblems
5x Monk Emblems + 15 Valhalla Coins
10 Valhalla Coins
5x Dragon Bones

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I see the message when you found 20 gnoms, but if we found only 1p where we can se the number of found gnoms?

seriously, receiving crafting mats from the gnomes is so disappointing, they need to change this
Drop coins and emblems its ok
but crafting mats or ressources bundles cmon we have plenty of these

Fingercrossed to pull Heimdall, really need him. :crossed_fingers:


There is no counter. There is no way to know how many gnomes you have done unless you count them yourself as you go. As we’ve learned you get a pop up when you’ve got them all and you see this if you tap the banner in the map if you still have some left

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Anyone else saving gems to use in S4 portal next mth?


Personally I’d rather get the resource bundles, I’m doing some expensive base building and they have saved my butt lately avoiding wasting builder time.

But yeah crafting materials is lame

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That was my thought as well, I see the trade-off between the Valhalla portal and S4. First of all, I’m going to spend all the coins I saved to pull Heimdall. If I got him will stop, otherwise will use gems.

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…otherwise, max credit cards. If I got him will stop, otherwise refinance mortgage.


5x Nuggets I’d be happy with, but 5x Dragon Bones… I am not happy with. I usually get Dragon Bones from Chest, Portal Ascension Chests, etc

Once while I am farming for the S3 mission, two gnomes spawn in 1 wave. This never happen in Atlantis Rise. I think this is another different. (That two gnomes give me 6 Wizard emblem in total.)

Same. I am critically low on food and just one day away from PoV rings for Grazul. Food packs would be fine. Even nuggets since I have kinda high tornado consumption lately (NT, rare titans, mythic titan this weekend). But I don’t use dragon attacks that often and I don’t even know what are meteorite fragments for. Duh.

one gnome, didnt expect that


another gnome just gavre 250k iron bundle


Same here, but I know when my alchemy lab is done they’re gonna get transmuted lol