Favourite 1-2 and 1-2-3 Combos

I posted a video once how it looks like:

It was a rush tournament which helped Gunnar but still funny. Most of my games were like that.

Imho hard to replicate that with 5*. Closest I have is Kunchen-Panther-Killhare. With two Killhares the result could compare probably, but 5 stars miss the enemy spirit link.

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I don’t bring this red stack on raids. It is more for provinces and events so I can delay and time specials more effectively, but it can produce some epic damage to mobs and bosses.

Boldtusk +20, Gormek +18 (no Wilbur), Scarlett +18, Azlar, and finally Kelile +18 to pick off any tougher enemies or someone DoT won’t work fast enough on.

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How about:

Kunchen + Panther + Ursena + Killhare + Alfrike = game over. Even the enemy souls are killed twice over.

Frida + Athena + Lepus.

Evelyn + Buddy + Elkanen.

Boldtusk + Wilbur + Falcon + Azlar/Kong.

I have a few instant-kills that I love:

Gazelle+Jackal+White Rabbit+emblemed Poseidon

Mkik+Kiril+Isarnia/Finley+King Arthur+tiles



One that I’m looking forward to trying out is Khiona+Kilhare+Myztero

Lol. In a sense, that’s so satisfying to watch too.! :grin:

I used to use a similar 4* combo sometime back (can’t remember why I stopped using it.)

Boldtusk - Wilbur - Guardian Falcon - Scarlett - WuKong

Works on similar principle.
BoldTusk - attack boost; Wilbur-Defdown and spiritlink on both sides; GuardianFalcon-Elementaldefdown; Scarlett-to boost tile damage; WuKong-obvious reasons

This team works insanely well in 4* rush attacks.

Once the reds are all charged, I focus on charging up Wu… if my heroes are taking some heavy beating, I have boldtusk and Wilbur to help the team survive.

Then, fire all - left to right. Your only job now is to find just two 3-tile matches… that is all you need, trust me.! :slight_smile:

(Obviously, the 3* team of yours is much faster in accomplishing the same feat… this is the closest I could think of in terms of 4*… and this is a tile damage team)

BoldTusk+20 - Wilbur+20 - Anzogh+9 - Queen+5 - whatever(I use Marjanna+18)
with Wil+Queen, if enemy attacks, my team laugh out loud at many attacks :slight_smile:

Kiril+20 - Grimm+20 - Thorne - 2nd Thorne
the main target dies. Always. If you choose wisely targets, you can easily eliminate 2-3 targets in a rush

Cost.Rigard+20 - G.Panther - Sartana - 2nd Sartana - Ameonna+20
2 die immediatly; for the others, Ameonna+20 deals one of the best tile damage out there

G.Jackal - Malosi
hit very fast and very good damage

G.Jackal - Joon
Game Over

Cost.Rigard+20 - WuKong+20 - Aegir+12 - Anzogh+9 - Ratatoskr
is my best Damage & Healing team: they deal A LOT of tiles’ damage but even Anzogh’s DOA, with that boost, is important; besides they heal A LOT in many ways, directly (Cost.Rigard+20 - Ratatoskr), with tiles (Cost.Rigard+20 - WuKong+20 - Aegir+12 - Ratatoskr) or with special (Cost.Rigard+20 - WuKong+20 - Anzogh+9)

Some more suggestions ^^


Love it. I’m going to take it one step further.

My Purple team is: C. Rigard, Kunchen, Panther, Seshat, Grimble.

Just firing the first 4 gives a guaranteed kill on 1 (easily 1200+ damage from Seshat). Grimble does on average 400+ damage to everyone with those specials active.

The ones i use regurarly:
Misandra+Isarnia+Vela, if i get lucky with Misandra, she charges Isarnia when Vela is already charged so i can fire Isarnia before Vela, but if not, i may wait a turn for her to charge. Red heroes melt when they get hit by this.
Falcon+Elena+Khagan I usually go againts Telluria with this setup along with Grazul and Malosi, the 2 hit 3 heroes have good synergy (even if Khagan is bad on his own), Elenas special deals good dmg too (she is emblemed to 19) and the ripost is great against AoEs
The one i use in the very fast 5* tournaments:
My Quintus is +19 (i dont have another 5* sorcerer), and this combo on very fast tournaments is devastating. If i get to fire both, its over, the enemy melts. Once i saw that Quintus did 900 dmg to each enemy after Isarnia and that was without any kind of attack buff. Yeah in normal raiding its not so useful but great fun in tournaments.

I don’t know what the rest of your roster looks like, but how are you digging your +19 Quintus? Is he war depth and province levels only?

I ask because I am almost done with Ameonna (to create massive tile damage) and already have Sabina +20. The only non-3* shaman options on my roster are Skittles and Quintus. I have done Skittles before and don’t want to do her again as I know even with talents she will see limited use in my current roster. Quintus gets limited use, but maybe he’d be more useful with talents?

I am F2P and just went bonkers summing with saved up items and have a lot of leveling to do, but none are shamans. If I wait for another shaman that could be a LONG time. If I load up say Quintus the emblems are at least being used until I get someone better maybe? :thinking:


That was my thinking too. They are better used than not. I usually use him on wars, tournaments, emblem quests and even on titans for his good tile dmg. Yeah he is slow, but pair him with C. Tibs and you wont be disappointed.
My other leveled purples are: Khiona, Seshat, Domitia, and Clarissa

Got it, thanks. That logic is why Boril is +18. He’s a tough little nugget.

I am curious with the purples you have what your titan team is. I wouldn’t have expected to see Quintus on it.

I hear he is improved with his costume, so if you get that and have him at +19 already you look like a psychic genius :ok_hand: