Favourite 1-2 and 1-2-3 Combos

Gazelle + half mono team


Wilbur + Falcon + BT + tiles = evaporated.

  • high single target damage


  • high splash damage

  • high AoE damage

  • high crit damage


Very nice info! Thanks.

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Are you sure?

Fully emblemed Jackal and C. Joon may disagree. I think Jackal’s higher attack stat and higher damage multiplier will make up for the small gap between Lianna and C. Joon.

And how about highest tile damage multipler:

G. Chameleon / Tarlak

Yes, it could be useful on titans but for PvP more often than not Evelyn will ensure you higher damage by clearing existing buffs on opponents.

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but the greens may survive a little longer

Frida, Thorne, Vela… survivors get taken out by Sonya or Vela’s water damage.


For me, looking at my roster (which means looking at the S1 heroes), Isarnia – Lianna. Usually Lianna’s second hit of the match.

Isarnia has become a mainstay in my raid attack for her def down. Yes she’s slow, but I use two healers in general to help survivability and one is Ariel.

For AoE Wilbur – Isarnia – Azlar can be deadly but it’s tricky to get that one right.


In my roster, one of my deadliest team combos is:

Kiril - Nordri - Isarnia - Vela - Miki

Fire them exactly in that order (left to right)…

I so wish I had Frida to replace Nordri… just to dish out that additional attack. But even with Nordri, the above team combo basically melts one side of almost any defense (whichever side I throw Nordri’s special.). The remaining enemy heroes are silenced by Miki.

Again repeat the combo and you’re done.

Your argument holds for normal Lianna.

However, I believe Lianna with costume bonus (costume unequipped) together with Evelyn definitely beats the Jackal-C.Joon combo, even if only by a slight margin. Someone could pull up those numbers and do the math.


That gets most. If you are up against a really strong team, then I’ve found that I can kill anyone wit:

C. Rigard, Panther, Seshat.


and then colen (or azlar) kicks in :slight_smile:

I think it probably depends on how you want to account for emblems. Evelyn and Lianna are both rangers, so I don’t think it’s possible to have them both at +18 (where the ranger attack stat is maxed), whereas it’s definitely possible to have C. Joon at +20 (where he’ll benefit from the 4% attack bonus on the Fighter tree) and Jackal at +18. My Jackal has an attack of 892 at +18. 270% of that is 2354.
C. Joon +20 would have an attack stat of 888 (assuming my math is right). 488% of that is 4333.

Evelyn at +11 (which seems like a stretch if you’ve got Lianna at +18, but is plausible) would have an attack of 823 with full attack path emblems. 210% of that is 1728. Lianna with costume benefit and full attack emblems would have an attack of 891 (again, if my math is right, I don’t have her so open to correction). 512% of that is 4562.

So Jackal is definitely going to to quite a bit more damage than Evelyn, and the question is if Lianna’s higher damage output will make up for the difference. My guess is that it depends on the target’s base defense. I think it’s the case that in the middle of the attack curve, returns to increasing attack grow greater than linearly, so what seems to be a smaller difference in the total attack value of C. Joon and Lianna actually translates to pretty significant damage. However, I think it’s also the case that there’s a soft cap on this, where increasing attack:defense ratio produces less than linear increases in damage.

So it seems like it’s probably a question of at what point, and how strongly that soft cap kicks in.

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I like these combos:

Kiril + Frida + Grimm + Vela + Thorne makes an awfully big mess… but I typically don’t run mono teams, so I trim that down to Frida+Vela+Thorne because it’s usually enough in combination with whatever else I bring along to the raid… usually Telluria & Malosi for their general usefulness.

G.Falcon + Gravemaker + Mitsuko is a fun, fiery time!

Jackal + Joon is always enjoyable to execute… literally. :wink:

Good gaming!

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Boldie Wilby Fin Alfie Az :skull_and_crossbones:

Why would you not fire miki first?

True. I was literally going by the OP’s question - which would make the deadliest attack.

Yours is a more practical approach.

Basically, the combination I suggested works in theory, and in some hypothetical utopia… however no one’s got those emblems in practice. :joy:

Yours-on the other hand- is a more practically accessible combination. (Although I don’t have a Joon. Oh the irony :roll_eyes:)

Thank you for doing this math. You seem to have done your research well. :slight_smile:

I just went by two simple notions:

  1. For specials attack damage, def downs don’t stack… the biggest defense down (in this case, the elemental def down) is considered.
  2. Lianna with costume bonus is the hardest hitting sniper by a fair margin.

So, I took an educated guess from these two points. :slight_smile:

May be someone can try these two combos on some tough cookie like emblemed Heimdall to give the final verdict. Anyone out there crazy enough to test this? :stuck_out_tongue:

I get that question a lot actually, here’s my rationale… for me, Miki’s silence is more valuable than his attack boost - at least in this stack for raiding and quest event purposes. (For titans, obviously, the attack boost is the key)

  • Both Isarnia and Miki are slow… meaning, I will have charged quite a few enemy heroes by the time my stack is ready to unleash that special combo.
  • So, after unleashing my combo - I need to silence the remaining… to save Nordri… he is a tiny guy, can’t take much damage.
  • Also, by the time Miki is charged for the first time, the rest of the team is also ready… (and Miki’s attack buff is not applicable to specials)… so, I am better off using him at the end after I see which enemy heroes remain standing and who needs to be silenced.

My fav so far - Costume Gunnar - Nordri - Chick Jr - Gato - Chick Jr.

Works only on certain tournaments, but is stupidly imbalanced.


@Suicide_Bunny - I guess the OP limited the scope of the question to 4* and 5* heroes? :slight_smile:

That’s a pretty crazy 3* combo though. must be cleaning up tournament defenses left and right.