Fated Summon choice

I have 93/100 in FS right now(already took Norns) and I wanted to choose Margaret, but in leaks we got MN, and i’m not sure what to do.
Pull now, or wait?
Advice please!(level 45)

  • Get Margaret now
  • Get someone else now(say who bellow|/
  • Take MN later
  • Take someone later(type who below|/
0 voters

I think MN will have more utility for you


1 billion percent wait for MN over Margaret. There are at least 3 heroes in the current FS who would provide better utility than Margaret if you haven’t already got them. However, if it’s a striaght shoot between MN & Magaret then please wait.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :desert_island:


I already got only Norns but I rly need green or yellow good 5*(Norns aren’t one) and Margaret is the best option now.
Game Well :art:

For the better connect:
My roster

As you don’t already have her I’d say Frigg is a better green option than Margaret in my humble opinion. Otherwise wait for the next FS as, again in my humble opinion, I would say every green hero would be better for you than Margaret. I honestly think you’d regret taking Magaret.
Incidently, Frida would be an upgrade on Nordri but King Arthur will be available in the next FS so you could wait for him too.
Might also be worth holding out for the next FS for that yellow spot too. I think all the yellow options there would be better than the current lot.

Whatever you decide, I hope it works out for you

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :desert_island:

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Hold off for sure. Margaret is really underwhelming.

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I would hold off, it’s only 3 more weeks.
Unless you will easily get to 100 again, then don’t hold.

It really all depends how quickly you will fill the bar again, if it will take weeks or months, then wait for the next list


Frigg is good with costume, but classic it’s pretty useless (in my opinion).

Nordri fits for me, I don’t need Frida.

Normally I were having 1 pull per list, but now as I became vc2p instead of F2P I do more summons, so I can have 2 now and 2 next lost, or 1 now and 3 next time.

Yeah, but because I don’t have any of Kadilen costumes, or any other dodger(except Aqueela, but she’s 3*, and give only to nearbies) I rly want her, as he is V. Fast and in some situations she have 90% do dodge AND give almost ¼ mana bar per each dodge.

Cool. Hope it all works out well for you.

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :desert_island:

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Mother North, Guardian Panther an Athena Is my choice, but i probably could only get 2

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10000% agree with this!

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@sleepyhead @notyou87 @Blem @Chadmo @Ship i added poll to the OP, u can vote now


Generally the next list has a few more decent options than this one. So I voted wait.

If you want green, Frigg would be the best choice for defense (also better than next list), For offense it depends a lot on what you have to build teams with.
If the only question is Margaret vs. MN I vote MN, but I am not a big fan of either of them. But at least revive is a thing you can put a checkmark behind if you pick her.

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Personally, i like Magaret, and i think she can make a difference in raids and war offence because her v.fast almost-sure dodge and 24% mana instant given is significant and can change the tide of the game. (Put those.who has low def beside her, while your goblins somewhere else). She require enemies to fire damage special so her use is perhaps not ideal in PvE and some ailment-oriented heroes.

Mother seems to be more usable in general situations though. And yes her special also change game tides

I assume that you perhaps can do FS only few times per 6 months, so in that case Mother and Panther (i see you dont have Purple EDD) may be more suitable to your team. But if you can do FS more Magaret is not a bad choice, and she can add fun to your game since she is also unique in her own way.

Since my opinion is situational depending on how many FS you can get, i did not vote :smiley:

Can someone share the leak list of potentials for next FS?

Ok, Gimme a second !
Edit: here it is!


I say Margaret may help a lot for the hard hitting meta


I have 100/100 right now.
If I’d wait to the next list I need to not pull in birthday summon, and many others!
I don’t know is MN worth it.

Yes she worth it. And guess you have no worries to earn a pick for the next list

Btw, i have 19 to go, but no hurry by now.
10 summons for the birthday, 5 for the Lunar Year/ Fire Super Elemental, and last 4 are depending