I already own Rana(+C), Athena(+C), and Guardian Panther. Also took Frida from the current FS. This makes Mother North the only viable choice there, maybe Ares for Titans being the only other shot. My current revivers are Heimdall (too low %), Nadehzdha (way too long charge time) and Anton (also massive charge time), and Green is my weakest color, so she fits right in.
In a way, I agree with you, since you say: In the current meta.
However, this FS feature is not a feature for whales, it is for the FTP and the CTP (at least the ones at the lower end of that range). At that level of play there are quite a few heroes of interest.
Whales will pick them all and then feed them to whatever OP hero they pull out of the fancy portals. So talking about meta is really irrelevant here.
Nothing really cries out to me. However, I would probably take Athena and Ares first…
I have Mother North without costume. I have Panther (base), but she’s fallen to the wayside for C2-Domitia. I got Alby with costume in the last Legends. I have Arthur, Lepus (with costume) unleveled.
Nobody else is talking about the current meta. I still don’t have a dark defense down hero or a 5* reviver. Lots of people are in my kind of situation, so this is a good list.
so you are the self appointed expert…. If you don’t need, don’t pick any hero from the FS.
Game is about play and META is a fancy term used by some players….
DISCUSSION here is about which of the offered heroes can be useful and NOT Meta talk…
Expecting every player out there to have no use for these heroes is ignorance…
These heroes serve a purpose in play for quite a lot of players…
instead of calling others names… start applying that word to yourself…. We all can call names too
In your speed to somehow anyhow give some or any reply …. Your didn’t read the whole comment….
As new heroes arrive, I have Costume Evelyn, Costume Ariel, Costume Alasie, Ukkonen, El Naddaha, Kullervo & many more not being used except in some wars…. Occasionally
So, inspired by your personal logic, should I negate the mentioned heroes…. OR be sensible enough to understand that many players will have good use for many heroes.
For me, I cannot wait to be able to pikc up LAdy Locke and complete my rainbow 5* pirate team!
Of course, I would love to have her with costume, but you can’t win them all and maybe it will turn up one day. King Arthur also does help to flesh out another series of rainbow CF1 heroes
Is this the real list? If so im super stoked for it! Way better than the last two!
I wish i knew after collecting all of them from last fated the counter didn’t start over in anticipation for the next FS I probably wasted a hundred pulls