Export alliance war attack history

Would be useful to be able to export AW hits into a text based format, used for further analysis of alliance performance and strategies without tedious typing. Maybe as a list put into clipboard or similar.

This has been requested 30 times already. Should’ve been added to

, but it’s not.

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Yeah, that would be awesome feature :slight_smile:

I’d be happy with just a Win/Loss record on hand somewhere. Give an idea of +/-50%

Mr. SG. Why are you so bloody minded about this feature. One of your guys could write the code to export with the same color coding as the screen faster than i can get the data into a spreadsheet. Nearly every alliance that is serious about competing together wants this and you haven’t added it. I’ve heard nothing about you thinking about adding. It is the most bloody minded, unkind, ignore you players, waste their time act of bastardry that I know of. 1 button. Drop it in the download folder comma delimited, and colored for team. Seriously do not see a commercial reason you would not do this. People are doing it manually and it wastes more hours every war than it would take for you to get it done. Stop treating us with contempt

This thread was started in September 2018 and has 4 replies and 3 votes, those numbers aren’t going to persuade SG that there is much demand for this :man_shrugging:

Aside from few people seemingly interested, there was an older thread which effectively covers the same ground (or at least would have the same consequences):

This is a good idea still, but I still keep titan and war logs for my alliance, my guess is being we using other outside thangs to keep notes on said subjects I don’t see a change, not even how many harpoons a player has used,has been indrouced.
You got also remember there probably alot of alliances that are very causal not competitive, there was a good thread @Cheds did about it. I can’t recall the title cheds if you can post it on here.

Hmmm…can’t recall it. I do talk about it often in other threads though.

My previous alliance I was in for a year was super casual and yeah, there was no way anyone was tracking anything in that one.

It’s was so casual even the Dude would have struggled to settle in :joy:

That said I’m in a much more organised Alliance now (we hover around 500th) and even in that we don’t track all the various metrics. We loosely record how many Titan flasks we have and that’s about it.

But I do get some of the data miners want more data but I generally don’t see how much help it would be overall. It would only help if you had hard and fast alliance rules and even then the data would generally be used as a beat stick…which I avidly oppose and would avoid.

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