Expanded Avatar Shop

Could we have more avatar options available at a time?

I have been making an effort to watch the avatar shop every day for maybe 4 months now. I’m trying to get the “coffee” pin to match my alliance, the Mandalorian Tea Party. I still haven’t caught the pin. If I remember wrong and it actually doesn’t exist, then please correct me. If at least multiple pins were offered per day, I wouldn’t have to wait this long. Or maybe all the pins could be for sale at once instead of having a rotation. There are a lot, and if more national pins get added (which would be cool), that would make the wait even longer.

I’d like to see more avatars available for other heroes, too, but this request is focused on offering more avatar options at a time.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Leave Avatars, Pins, and Backgrounds available in the Shop all the time / have a catalog of them instead of rotating