📯 End of an Era (Part 2) -- Season 3 Completion Thread

I won’t argue that Proteus was still one of the main supporting catalyst in that successful run though. My regular roster through out Season 3 normal/hard are actually largely season 1 heroes. BT, Melendor-C, Wilbur, Isarnia, and Wu.

Out of the items I took with me, I believe I had 2 Timestops, 1 Hurricane, 2 Tornadoes, and 2 Super Mana Potions left. A few of the usages were extra-insurance for mana control measures in case RNGesus decides to screw me over and make a splash of missing hero tiles to charge up the titan forms and end up totally decimating me.


Congrats @Shohoku79 , good job figuring out a winning team after analysing your losses!


Please advise how to conquer the last game, what heroes and items to use from what I have. thanks

Raffaele, MagniC, Vela, VivicaN, Malosi
For the items I don’t recall their specials anymore, they were “win and forget” map stages to me

here are some ideas

look into items and heroes specials. A hero that controls mana is a good idea

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I just beat normal this morning. I made it there a while ago, failed the first time, and then forgot to try again :laughing:. I don’t even remember the team I failed with. It was mostly 5’s and I remember thinking the board was bad (like everyone else whenever they lose anything :wink:) Anyways, here was the winning team (pretty basic heroes and gear):

A few health pots used for slash attacks. Gretel was in the red on a few occasions. The super mana yes was used on Gullinbursti. I basically brought my quest team and added Caedmon for cleanse. I typically bring an AoE blinder with me. In retrospect the cleanse was not useful. The only specials to go off were during the first stage. In titan mode no one got a special off. Gretel stops them and LJ buys time while she charges. The health block from their special can be cleansed so I guess a stronger sniper would be better.

Not sure if I will try the same thing for hard. If the slashes are harder I may be in trouble with this set up. A second healer in place of Caedmon like costume Melendor or something maybe :man_shrugging:. I have some time to decide though. I think I just enter province 15 :laughing:. Maybe before the end of this year I will get there! :crossed_fingers: :laughing:

Good luck out there!



I finished S3 hard mode tonight.

I’m relieved and glad to get the mats. I expected more resistance from the bosses but they were easily contained with mindless attacks. I guess the game needs to be accessible for f2p and my uber heroes were overkill for the map anyway.

I won with this team :

Freya +20
Isarnia +18
Telluria +20
Ariel +20
Alfrike +19

Mana potions, super mana potions, revive scrolls, super healing potions.

The trick is to build a shell of minions, hot plus direct healing, and of course mindless attack from Alfrike. Telluria can slow the enemy’s mana when there aren’t purple tiles available. And Isarnia applies defense down for more damage.

If the boss can be killed before the blessing kicks ×2 it’s better.

I found it was not very hard but be careful, normal hits are pretty bad. I had to use two scrolls on Freya and Ariel. Plus you can’t cleanse.

It’s the end of an era for me. Now I can focus on season 4.

Cheers everybody!


This was my team on hard mode using minor items.

Isarnia did her usual thing and died but Bera’s minions allowed me to wait out the undispellable healing reduction before firing Kiril.

Used axes when Arthur’s attack debuff wasn’t active and Ursena reflect made Nidhogg easier because I could replace Isarnia’s Def. down with Nidhogg’s own!
Followed advice from others to stun as much as possible.
Will save coins for optimistic attempt to get Frigg at the end of the month!


Thinking about flasking and finishing for the coins and rewards, if there is another 5 surprise provinces I may rethink

36 province in total. Good luck!


I finished S3 Hard 2 months back with:

Gazelle, Heimdall, Frida, FriGG, G. Panther

Battle items : Revive, Medium mana, antidotes, large mana.

It was a simple walk thru with one use of large mana for Heimdall over heal
. & then he managed to keep all HP @ 200% thereafter :smile:

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Well, I finally got around to beating S3 hard yesterday. I am onto S4 BEFORE S5 comes out. While mostly psychological, being 2 seasons back just seemed much worse.

Here’s the short explanation before I drone on like I usually do. Beat it with this time on the first try using this team:

Wasn’t bad at all. No one got to red health or anything, at least in a meaningful way or time that I can recall now. I technically did this last night.

:crossed_fingers: for my last practical set of S3 summons!

Now, the longer explanation for those interested.

I beat it on the first try with that team, but failed two times prior with a different team. The other teams was just too conservative/defensive. It essentially made this battle a battle of attrition and there are just a lot of stages with lots of HP on bosses for that sort of fight. The perk is I never really brought “heavy firepower” in terms of items. Even when I lost I didn’t burn through items, so there wasn’t much of a material cost.

The failing team was:

Gullinbursti +20 & LB’d
Gretel +20 & LB’d
Hansel +20 & LB’d
Lianna + 10 in costume

Basically it was slow mana with Lianna and stop it with Hansel and Gretel. I thought their relatively high A stats (aside from Raffaele) would carry me, but they couldn’t. I had too much mana control. I was holding fire a lot to wait on timing, etc.

Both times I was rolling until the board went REALLY dry on me. Given I was grinding them down slowly, the tree count was usually at 2.0, so while I was blocking specials the slash attacks were too much to take on bad boards with no stuns. I didn’t have revive scrolls either time, so usually when a key hero died I fled before trying in vain and burning items.

I fell into my old mana control pattern and the writing was on the wall it shouldn’t be that hard. Like how legendary 10 on CoK took me like 9 minutes :laughing:.

I do this because for the longest time it’s what my roster gave me and by extension what I am used to. I figured I needed to try and control them less and see if I can just blow them the heck up.

Biggest thing would be EDD. In my case it is either red or yellow from Guardian Falcon or Guardian Jackal. The down side is my reds and yellow are kind of weak, or I should say not durable, so any board drought will spell the end. In yellow I don’t have a normal D dropper. In red it would be Gormek, but that was less appealing.

Not using EDD left me with the following for D dropping:

  • Malicna in purple. I also have some durable purple heroes. The RNG of her special in a critical fight was a turn off though. My unemblemed Tibs had durability concerns.

  • Green is still just Buddy. He did help on normal, but I just wasn’t feeling it. Most of my greens to bring with are more support heroes than heavy firepower too.

  • That left my blues, which are pretty strong as I have Athena and Magni costume. Also unelected Grimm, but he would be a survivability risk.

Blue it is!

Raffaele and Gullinbursti I knew I still wanted for over heal and big back up heal. These two can really keep a team alive. Athena +20 &LB’d was the third. Going for fire power Magni +20 w/ MCB was a natural choice. The 5th slot was a toss up between Glenda +20 and Richard +20.

  • Glenda offered the special skill boost, would extend her and Raff’s EL to the whole team. Mostly for Raff’s, Glenda’s too weak minions did not weigh in. Her damage is okay, but her buff would be dispelled by the tree.

  • Richard is more. durable but I decided his special would’ve more useful as the enemies would still get to 2.0 strength from the tree, so the A drop would be great.

That’s how the team came together and it worked pretty well. Blue was neutral on the first and last guy, and strong on red. When the red boss got to low health and started me on fire, the hope was blue tiles make that duration on being on fire as short as possible.

Items were l:

Time Stops as my mana control
Revive Scrolls just in case
Hurricanes to fill my 3 hitters as needed
Super Mana probably for my healers outside hurricane range

I was nervous as my E&P brain is wired for mana control. I used all my time stops, which is fine I have plenty, and 4 of 5 hurricanes. I didn’t touch the revive scrolls or mana. I am also not sure the bosses when it titan form ever fired a special. I was really surprised how strong the blue hitters worked. The battle went really fast.

I really need to work on more aggressive teams going forward. Maybe PvE seasons would be less of a drag if the fights didn’t take so long then :man_shrugging:
