Empires & Puzzles Wiki on Fandom (powered by Wikia)

Hello everyone! :smile:

I’ve founded a Wiki over on FANDOM (powered by Wikia) for Empires and Puzzles! :earth_africa:

Link: Empires & Puzzles Wiki on FANDOM (powered by Wikia)

I know there are many resources out there; however, I believe there were some key advantages to creating this wiki:

  1. It’s an actual Wiki, meaning that users are able to contribute to it with an account. :pencil2:

  2. As long as people use it, it will always be up-to-date. :date:

  3. It’s easier to read than a spreadsheet, and even contains pretty visuals. :sparkles:

  4. It contains all of the data/stats that players have gathered on heroes, battle items, buildings, provinces, quests, and much more. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  5. Useful articles, strategies, and notes may be written for pages. :newspaper:

  6. It will contain a page dedicated to other useful resources. :globe_with_meridians:

I’m still in the process of getting it established, but in a week or two, there should be a place for everything on the wiki, as well as an improved homepage. I’m hoping that the community is willing to help maintain this wiki as the game continues to see wonderful updates and expansions. :smile:





Hello everyone! :smile:

The Wiki has expanded greatly since finding a couple of contributors in late 2018! :rainbow:

We currently stand at:

  • 373 pages :page_facing_up:

  • 592 images :framed_picture:

  • Countless links to other resources :link:

  • Over 8500 hits during the last Pirates of Corellia event :computer_mouse:

We are still looking for contributors willing to help build and maintain the Wiki. We’ve made it much easier to get involved if you wish to contribute:

On a final note, I’d like to announce our first bureaucrat …@CheTranqui :smile:

Thank you to all contributors for your hard work, and I hope some folks reading this are willing to join us in building the best resource yet—by the community, for the community. :hugs:


I leave a comment on the wiki regarding atlantis schedule @CheTranqui

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Awesome! Thanks for your contribution to the matter! :slight_smile:

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