🎨 Empires & Puzzles Official Fan Art Contest Summer 2019 - Discussion

Can we send 3D model under cathegory digital art? :slight_smile:

Hi! Is it possible to spread fan art that participated in another competition?

Here’s my daughters drawing of her own hero: Elpis. She’s hoping it will be a future hero in Empires & Puzzles xxx


@Elpis seems like you have a fairy’s name :stuck_out_tongue:



How many entries can I submit? Got 6 so far, and working on more :thinking::wink:

Not even for loyality rewards? Like you can choose an element and you’ll get a random 5* hero in the chosen color? See Kerridoc’s comment on my idea here: Rewards for being loyal to the game - #70 by Kerridoc
Thanks for a feedback @Petri

and how will the best picture be chosen? what are the criteria? and how is that voting going to work? like the judges will pick the top 5 submissions and then the forum can vote for it?

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We have extended the deadline to allow all players to submit their entries!

Thank you so much for all the creations so far, the whole team here at Small Giant has been admiring your creativity! :star_struck:


We’ll judge based on the creativity and originality. Picking the shortlist will be a tough job for sure!

I’m afraid the suggestion you shared is not possible at the moment. Thanks for the feedback though!


alright, np. would be greatly appreciated if implemented any time later. whats about the new hero concept? good or nah?

Unfortunately it is not possible at least for the time being, we’ll try to investigate if we could incorporate fan art winners in the future contests though!


What? Did you understand that I was referring to this?: Concept for a new hero. I would actually really like to see more heros from the greek mythology ingame
If so sry for confusing you

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Ah sorry, yeah that is a cool idea and good luck in the contest! :smile:


Alright cool :slight_smile:. Thanks, but honestly mine wont have any changes.

(🎨 Empires & Puzzles Official Fan Art Contest Summer 2019 - Submissions - #184 by Azzedar)

This is a standard trope at this point.

Final Flight of the Osiris



Will there be also a contest for automn? bcs i have some cool pieces in mind
@Petri, @zephyr1

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It’s possible they might run a fan art contest again, but as far as I know, this is the first time they’ve ever done this. So I’d be a bit surprised if they ran one again so soon.


Most likely we don’t have time to run another one so quickly but we’ll definitely have another one at some point, given how popular this one was already :slight_smile: .


Alright, thx :slight_smile: