Emergency Exit

My dad is an avid gamer, he has plenty of expendable income. He doesn’t flinch at spending hundreds of dollars on a video game. I know he invested quite a bit into titles such as Guild Wars, WoW, TERA… I think his most recent obsession (that he is now done with) was World of Warplanes…

I tried in vain to get him to download this game and join my alliance. Because what an asset he would be! A big spender who already knows how to play games at a competitive level, and has the intelligence and motivation to learn stuff on his own…? Absolute power player right there.

Only took a couple of minutes of me describing the game to him for him to say “ahh yes, one of those games. No thanks.”

This is a guy who has plenty of money to spend and doesn’t mind spending it on entertainment. And he gave a firm hard pass on any prospect of ever downloading E&P. He said “I am very familiar with that type of game… if I were you, I wouldn’t spend a penny on it.”

ADDED: This is a guy with a multi thousand dollar gaming PC… a top of the line iPhone and iPad, along with a laptop that has better stats than my desktop PC.

I think a $32k Playstation 4 investment would probably look like 10x copies of every game that has ever been made for PS4… :laughing:


I really, really, really can’t understand people spending that much.
Not even if i earned millions i would use so much money that way.

Sorry, but I can only think it as some kind of addiction.


1000% agreed!

There have been other games in the past… EVE Online for example, I think is one?

Many years ago, long before E&P was ever released, I saw a “breaking news story” about a player who had spent something like $10,000 for a spaceship in a certain game (can’t remember if that was in EVE, or Star Citizen, or one of the others)…

Viewers were flabbergasted, dumbfounded, at a complete loss for words… how on earth could anyone ever… type of reactions.

Fast forward to E&P.

Shortly after I joined this forum, some poster had complained that he had spent $1000 on the game and didn’t get XYZ heroes. And my reply was something along the lines of, “that’s ridiculous! Anyone who has spent that much money should have every hero in the game!”

Was met with a huge wave of this:



So did I, so I know how hard is to gain it. The money I spend in this game comes from the tips I get from my job.

F[quote=“Olmor, post:26, topic:220790”]
The thrill is the fun.
Even more if you’ll get sth.

When I summon in any portal, I cover the screen with my hand and after having pulled I get it out slowly, taking a look at the colour first and willing that it’s a 5* hero. Maybe it’s just for a sec, but I like that feeling, until I realise that I got a 3* hero.:sweat_smile::rofl:

I’ve got some unlevel 4*/ 5* heroes as well and some of them are interesting. I usually tell myself: “stop pulling. Why do I want more heroes if I don’t have enough resources for all of them?”


The game has a built-in ejection seat: tap and hold the app tile, then tap “Delete app”.

I always have a misunderstanding when replying to other posters here, they think I am telling them “you should not spend money on games!”

I spend money on games. People would not make games if nobody was willing to pay for them.

The crux of all of my complaints about this game is how much they are charging their own players.

Yes of course as everyone says, you can play the game for free. But playing this game for free is like playing solitaire with only 51 cards in your deck.


As I always say: it’s up to you. Most people who play here are adults and they’re supposed to be able to handle their money.

I don’t have any habit and apart from the regular payments, I spend some money here and on my holidays.


You know, I understand your point of view.

I also think we’re all adults here (or most, anyway) and we have our own money to spend and that we understand the value of each insert-whatever-curency-you-use.

We all want better heroes or a certain hero. But there is no guarantee you might get it/them even if you spend hundreds. Frustration of not getting heroes comes to everybody, F2P or not.

The first 6-9 months I started playing I didn’t want to spend a dime on the game! Then the offer for get 300-give 30 to each ally member was on and since almost everybody bought it I felt really bad not returning the favor.
Then along the way I got some VIP offers and perhaps some ocasional good deals (the 2 or 3 € ones to help me get a full summon when I got bored of farming) on Atlantis/Valhalla. In over 2 years I spent like 50€. And I don’t regret it, even if I don’t have that many and awesome heroes!

Now, my real life friend started playing in december 2019. He already has all 4* from Atlantis, almost all 4* from S3, 5 hotms (mind you, I only have 3, 4 if you count Neith that i recived from HA, all my hotms were also recived in the last 3 months), one event 5* and one seasonal event 5* and like 10 season 1 5s (with 2 maxed). He never bought ANY offer.
I can’t say I envy him but I consider him pretty lucky.

As I said, the Goddess of Goodluck only blessed me with heroes the last few months, but I’m not that frustrated. As long as I have a hero to level I’m all good.

From time to time I like to check other people’s fortune on this game so I check some youtube videos. While sometimes I see some great pulls, most of the time they’re not so great (hinting at all those x30 pulls that only got Lord Loki and some Reubens you don’t even like, but I’m a lady and I won’t give any name :laughing:.
And to that I’m always like ‘poor guy/gal, they spent so much and got :poop:

My point is that in the end people ‘invest’ in their hobbies/addictions as much as they feel comfortable (or they should, at least). It’s not SGs fault you spent over your budget and did not get what you wanted/expected. And it is also not my place to say other people spend too much on ‘just a game’.
I can compare it to smoking for example. Lots of people go ‘if you would stop smoking X amount of cigs a day you would save Y amount of money monthly and you could buy Z things’.
But people should do whatever they please as long as they understand the risks (cancer and others related to smoking). Maybe not the best comparison but it’s the first one that popped into mind.

I might be a bit off topic and my thoughts might be a bit chaotic due to too much coffee and too much free and alone time so here’s a cookie for whoever at least read some lines.


Thanks for the :cookie:. I love it.:yum:

I couldn’t have used better words. I think the same and it could be due to the free time, as I don’t drink coffee so much.:grin:


thanks for sharing your cautionary tale, about how easy it is to spend just a little, then spend more and more and more, until one spends more than one was originally planning to / originally willing to spend.

in the end it all boils down to how much one can afford / is willing to spend, based on one’s own circumstances - but the key point is that the number of micro-transactions in this game make it easy to keep slipping and eventually spend too much (based on one’s own circumstances).


This is exactly why I’m FTP. Just like you, the time I was really tempted to spend (and destroy my FTP status) was the first “share the gems” offer. As an alliance leader, I wanted to return the favour to my teammates but I knew it would go against my principles to buy it so I didn’t do it.

If I spend even once, I will spend again, and again, and again… It would be easier to justify spending if I have bought something before.


Didn’t have a good advice my self, but

it’s now our duty to take care our beloved childrens, and/or family, not to spend so much money on any game. well, except maybe if you’re pro gamers, join tournaments, and got decent fee/money from that game.

If it took you 3 years just to finish an event then spending more was never the solution, you can get just as much enjoyment from building a modest roster and actually learning how to use it.

All these accusations of the game that trick people into spending fortunes remind me a story from my childhood. When we were schoolboys we used to play with chowing gum wrappers: you bet a wrapper and your opponent bets another one or several to match yours in “value”, then they are laid on the floor and you have to tap it with you open palm to turn it up side down. If you succeeded you take all of them. If you failed, opponent gives it a try and take all turned.
The game looks stupid, but was extremely popular for about a year in our school until the scandal happened: one boy stole real money worth of month salary from his parents to buy fancy, high valued wrappers to play.
There was no company to blame. No one even knew the author of that game. Yet, the real money were stolen and spent on, in fact, garbage.

Wow, ok who is spending all this money for me?

The money they get from me is mainly through Mystic Vison.

You were anonymously sponsored. :sunglasses:

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There is still a misunderstanding though.

Of course it’s not SG’s fault if a rational minded adult can’t control their own spending habits. And yes people invest in their hobbies, etc. etc. etc.

Still completely missing the ultimate point I am trying to make here.

People like collecting model trains. Model trains are expensive.

They are expensive mostly because it takes a lot of time and effort to make them.

And say one day you get tired of collecting model trains. You can put them up for sale and probably get at least most of your money back (if not more).

E&P heroes are not physical items. They have no value whatsoever. They weren’t hand crafted by an artist; they weren’t even slapped together by a 3D printer. You do NOT own them once you “buy” them.

Compare to smoking, alcohol? Cigarettes cost money to make. Somebody grew the tobacco, there is a factory that puts the tobacco into paper rolls and into packs. Alcohol requires growing crops and fermenting them in barrels or stills or whatever, then being put into bottles. These require both physical labor and physical items to produce.

An E&P hero on the other hand… once it has already been programmed into the game, it is as easy to reproduce as “copy paste” on a keyboard.

You want a Dawa? Here’s a Dawa.


Here’s another one.


Andddd another one.


And another one. And another one. And another one.



That’s 6 summons at 300 gems apiece, $1 per 100 gems…

Your total comes to $18 plus tax.

Please pay the cashier.

Tips are accepted.

Easiest $18 I ever made right there!

Ohh but wait…

Somebody had to draw Dawa, and code her into the game.

That was already done years ago. For probably let’s say… a few thousand dollars total.

Compared to the millions of dollars in Dawa sales…

If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say Dawa has to be one of the most profitable imaginary products ever produced.


That’s a lot of Dawas. Reminds me of my Taverns of Legends summons lol :grin:


“With a black sheep, even a tuft of wool is worth”