Emblems Rewarded [Developer Response in Post 98]

I remember that Revelate back in the day figured out that the loot for a chest is determined when you open the previous one.

Edit: that might have been changed though, been a long time since Rev was active

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The chest was filled before the update. I waited 12 hours for the new update to come out before i opened it.

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Probably changed once raid arenas were released because iā€™ve personally tested the ā€œfill in platinum, open in diamondā€ tactic and worked without a hitch

I thought so. And i believe some others did that as well but cant recall exactly who

Thanks for confirmation

I got an ice chest and the update wasnā€™t available yet on the play store. I didnā€™t want to wait, so I went ahead and filled it. This was my third elemental chest since the emblems went live, and third time with single digit emblems. I should have waitedā€¦

Iā€™m sitting on a filled titan chest right now waiting for the update. If I interpret these recent posts, that is a good move, correct?

I mean we killed it fast so I still have plenty of time assuming we donā€™t kill this one as fast.

I just updated and opened my saved filled titan chestā€¦ had 5 wizard emblemsā€¦ so not a huge increase.

I havenā€™t noticed any increase at all, it actually seems like a decrease.

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Same for me. 20 char

Weā€™re a month on our way, I have just gotten enough to take the 5* i want 1th stageā€¦ There are 20 stages. I competed all queests and regularly use gems to get more raid and monster loot.

If this is the speed it will cost far more than a year at least to get to a full class 5*.

Iā€™m worried :smiley:

Yall have offically ruined the game and made it pay to win. I cant make a full 5* team much less max it. Noqw i have to compete against a fully beefed up 5* team with the ability fir players to purchas emblems. The same players aleays get the good heroes and place in events. I cant place in an event and now know i never will. Thanks

Then donā€™t compete with the ptw players just get in a nice c2p or f2p aliance and compete from there, you can have fun with game at f2p if you want, but if youā€™re measuring your success to a p2w player youā€™re just ruining the game for yourself

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Thank you for this information and addressing the players requests.

Is there anyway to get gems to summon higher more fierce and powerful fighters

Lots of ways. Watching Mystic Visions (ads) will get you started. You can also get gems through quests, and as rewards for completing missions. Free to play will get you there someday. One of the better ā€œpremiumā€ purchaces is VIP. For a couple years youā€™ll want the double builder to make building your fort quickerā€¦ takes about 3 years without it. Youā€™ll also get gems through that. After you build up a bit, the Paths of Adventure are worthwhile even as free play.

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