Elizabeth Balance Discussion ⚖️

It’s just a game…Just don’t see that she is so strong that most of the people think she is. Sorry, this is my opinion. Frigg for example is light years better than Eliz.

Plus if she stay one to one with a decent hero in a battle she loses because she doesnt have the ‘‘stamina’’…

Elizabeth is beast … i wish I had her lol NOO NERFS please, I’d rather see a crazy counter

I have that crazy counter, and his name is Rigard. He doesn’t even need the costume.


Increase Eliz attack to 205%.


Mist with emblems even without limit break is much more valuable than Elizabeth. Playing with her at lvl 80 I confirmed the obvious: she needs to be improved. She is weak. Her health reduction is completely useless and situational her hit is small her mana reduction with this kind of hero is very low and I really don’t know what those fiends are. Little John with a fast troop emblems and limit break is probably a more useful hero. She is only good for the maps but there are better heroes to use there. Strongs teams are using her because they have stronger heroes to support her. Its the same with Telluria. Actually what makes Telluria decent is mostly his minions and his stats (MINIONS have DOMINATED this game and not fiends) and nerfing him because stronger teams using him was wrong. There are better tanks than Telluria. Bottom line is that Elizabeth is a season four hero but she is already old for the game. Brynhild and Ursena when they were at their prime were much better than her. Fact is that Elizabeth never was at her prime. It’s common sense guys :). But fact is that the people who run this game doesn’t listen. After season 1 this game became all about money and gambling. A lot of people like me are playing occationally nowdays. Inside our alliances we discuss and we know what is going on. What keeps this game alive are just a few stressed smart as…that they think they know everything. :))))



Really how much did they pay you? Everybody knows what are you doing here. :slight_smile:

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I agree with you to the fullest mate!!

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I appreciated!!!

I don’t know how you use her but long story short Elizabeth’s job is to allow the other heroes to kill the opponent team’s healer or minion maker with ease and then to slowly chip away the other team’s health while still lowering their mana, she is the most featured red in my opponent’s war teams and similar teams featuring a different red, mostly Marjana* or Grefjon but even other ones, doesn’t survive attacks as much as her teams.

For sure she needs to be timed well on attacks to not fire her just before a healer would remove her minions for instance… I hope this would help.

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But they didn’t nerf Telluria because of her presence in the raid defenses it was the presenc of her, Vela and Gravemaker all together all the time. 60% of the teams make up, tank and the two flanks which is the main core of the team was too much and was making the game boring. This is not me advocating for her nerf (they ruined a great hero and made it so meh) but let’s compare apples to apples. Elizabeth maybe in a lot of the top defenses but equally as much as sif, costume Kadilen and the purple,minion makers.

So this confirms even more that she is more likely a situational 5* hero who needs support from other heroes. That makes her quite ‘‘dry’’ and ‘‘sad’’ - the character looks sad anyway.
Except the mana she doesnt have a decent buff or an ailment. She should had at least the ability to bypass opponents buffs with her baby attack and at least she should run fast (not that this will make much of a difference). She is not a defensive hero nor an offensive hero she is a lost in space hero. I have regret giving her the rings.

The solution to make her more efficient with mana is simple: 24% reduction to all enemies and when an enemy exceeds 50% mana then the mana reduction on each enemy who exceeds the 50% mana will automaticaly doubled which means 48% mana reduction at least. You just need to be a little bit more creative when you create a hero. But my guessing similar to many folks here is that they know all these things they know very well what they are doing, actually they are steps ahead cause in the end it’s all about money for them. And why not it’s business. So saying that eveything is good in the game (at least I read a lot of complaints lately) and heroes are perfect and spending thousands each month will not help much. On the other side it’s just a game, no one is forcing you to do anything and be on top. Personally I don’t bother anymore just enjoy the talk. Salut! :slight_smile:

People overlook how her fiends absorb the healing. Her baby attack, with mana control are good but if you are doing other damage and they remove her minions with their healer then no healing for them and easy picking.

can her be buffed please? i have her and she is really underwhelming, her mana regeneration should be -72% when the enemy has 3 fiends

she is not significant at all, it would be better if the cap of mana regeneration go up to -72%


She should be V.V.Fast (a new speed that only needs 3 tiles) and the Fiends should all do 500 damage per turn.

I have her and it often takes me several minutes per raid win. It’s unacceptable, I need wins in 10 seconds.


Completely agreed. I don’t have her but I once took a Lord Loki without any other heroes and copied her skill and I still wasn’t able to win using that one cast of her skill. She clearly is useless without putting her into a team with other heroes. Please buff her so she can win raids by herself without being relegated to underwhelming support hero status.


I want the ability to trade her in for a better hero like Elena…oh wait…


Just counted the amount of Elizabeth’s [per team] on the Top 100 Leaderboard, and the result: 55/100

…that’s no where near the level of GTV :roll_eyes:

& You’ve gotta consider the fact that LB are inflating that number too, as they’re going to be bottlenecking players from using any other specific hero [for defense] for some time. (Just as emblems did with GTV as well). So even if one pulls a desired fire hero to replace Liz on defense, they’ll either have to wait til the next Fire LB Quest to swap - leaving Liz there for months - or forgo the bonus stat boost LB bring to their D.

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