Elizabeth Balance Discussion ⚖️

Fiends are permanent (and their “DOT” and ailments) unless you get rid of them. Normal ailments and DOT expire on their own.


I know but the other poster is saying fiends are useless

The FAIRNESS of the game depends on a possibility to deal / remedy a situation
in BB, that is not possible with any of the heroes that give uncleansable FiENDs !

For some reason, till now, I haven’t used Hannah & Elizabeth in the current BB tournament…Bera & LoLo have been taking care of things @ 16/4 !

But minions do the job in both areas: offence and defence. It’s really really really pity that Elizabeth doesn’t have minions. If one hero should have minions it’s her. Giving minions to her will put the things in right place. Plus when you kill her and she has shoot her special she should be transformed into a zombie spider like Teresa. I don’t get why fiends should be related with mana reduction. Leave the mana reduction as it is (5 turns cleansable) and get rid the fiends. Increase her attack from 185 to 195…not everyone have emblems to increase her attack…I better give them to Raffaele who can keep my entire hitting team alive.

Minions to all her allies as well. Or you can leave her as it is and give a counter attack ability to the caster for a few turns uncleansable or cleansable. Or you can give her the ability to share damage with her allies. As she is now she doesn’t have any impact in the formations. But the people who working on this game just care to nerfing heroes? like Tell and Vela…sad. You have so many 5* that need improvement and you just keep creating the wrong heroes. And the only 5* costume that is worthy is Kadilens. Bye.

Elizabeth is because the game is trying to advise how to attack right, obviously one healer is not enough. I always attack with 3+2 and healer for both colours. This will also save you from a bad board :hugs:

We get it. You’re trying to play the devils advocate and all the top players who LB her are total idiots or maybe……

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LOL…20 chars of LOL!

Well what makes you a top player in this game? :slight_smile:

To give a qualified comment on why some players LB Eliza you need to see their roster. Being in a Top 100 alliance does not make you a top player. Top players on the other hand are able to maximise the potential in their roster. For some players it might be better to LB another hero other then Eliza.

There are better heroes then Eliza, more versatile or overall more complete but in the end it all comes down to the needs and qualities of ones roster.


I’m not a fan of nerfs in general, but they do need to update older heroes to bring the game into balance… Apart from a few recent examples discussed in another post, it’ll never happen… That said, I agree with what many others have stated: try out different strategies and heroes; it’s actually a lot of fun, and if you’re not quite ready for the challenge, skip that team for now…

I like the challenge that Telly and Vela presented; I worked hard on my teams and defeated many of the greatest players and large spenders…

That was really satisfying… On YouTube, there’s a man… Hotatooo… You know, I adore his attitude and videos, the ones where he beats +4600 teams with 4* heroes, where you can see what he has, who does what, and so on.

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This is the only part of your statement which is actually true. But putting Elizabeth in this category with them completely invalidates your argument.

Objectively speaking Elizabeth is good in offense. The mana down gives you a distinct advantage throughout a raid - more survivability, and more opportunity to make those key matches in order to charge up your other specials. It is even more impactful given that there are so few healers in defenses and getting 3 layers of minions is not an easy feat.

On defense I half agree with you. I think she drops from an A hero to a B hero. The special is actually really powerful if it goes off early and you can’t counter it. What drops her down from the “A” heroes she is often paired with is the fact that her special is so easily countered with heals, and in my own personal playing experience if she is at flank or wing I have more chance to win than if she was replaced by say a heavy hitter.

All of your suggestions seem nonsensical. Only heroes that are universally acknowledged as being something like a “D” grade should even be considered for buffs - heroes like Perseus, Reuben, Aeron, Salmon Loki(!), Zulag. Elizabeth is miles away from being in that category

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In what universe is Proteus universally considered a D grade hero???

My bad! I mean to say Perseus. Brain not work well in morning…

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It’s not really that hard to figure out. If you’re having troubles, take a look at the top players in the top alliances. It’s simple math and I’m seeing her a ton more than GM raiding into the top 100 regularly.

I see all of our rosters in the alliance I’m in which is top 100 and places with the MT every time

I raided to global #1 and stayed there for about 2 seconds.

My attack team was Elizabeth, Hannah, Onyx, Bera, C Rigard.

Eliz was a big part of why I achieved that goal.

I see her as balanced at that ievel due to not being fast but certainly do not see her needing improvement.


I don’t agree with your assumption. Yes Elizabeth does see alot of play but and that’s the point not on every roster. You need a combination of heroes to max her potential, on her own she isn’t strong enough to be best in slot red hero on my opinion. That’s why the majority prefered Frigg, Bera, Odin over her. She isn’t as versatile as GM or Garnet eg. Also her speed is a weakness you need to counter with a fast protective tank and preferably a fast second flank. That narrows your options.

So yes she is really strong and a nobrainer to LB if you have the setup to make her work otherwise it would propably be better to LB another hero who fits more into your roster and therefore offers more value. And that is the point in which i disagree with you - She is not a nobrainer to LB in all Situations and her value depends on your roster like any other hero.

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Maybe it’s just my idea but Elizabeth doesn’t need anyone to capitalize on her special.
To me she does just fine in a team even without various attack boost and defense/healing reduction and I would surely put her in my defense over my Gravemaker or my Marjana*.

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Gasp!! Did you just upgrade Fishy Loki to “D”? I thought he was an “F”. :joy::joy::joy:


Normally in full agreement with you @Homaclese but I wouldn’t put Reuben in that segment. In my roster he would be a solid B I really wanted him the month he came out.

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Yes she’s strong and that’s why I want her lol. Please stop asking for nerfs and ask for counter heros .
Thank you.