đŸ§Ș Early Information on Titanium Shield Balance Update [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

In the first Beta version of Path of Valor there was an item (like the harvesters), which enables a 5th battle item for usage at battles for 24 hours

Can’t say that I’ve ever used one in the first place.

I don’t know, right now the major problem for HL’s items is that they are insanely expensive and rare, and their performance is just slightly better than forge items, if not the same.

Take hurricane vs tornado for example, 1 hr +198k iron + titan parts vs 25m +116k + farmable items, and they both give you 300 mana units (60x5 = 100x3).

Now they are taking away the ONLY item worth it the use of harpoons and crafting materials.

They might as well rebalance HL and make all items cheaper and faster to make -or better, worthy.

At least T. shields should cover the whole team.


Man, I get the nerf to Telly and Vela, after I have spent my mats on them. I understand that needs to be balanced, and so I haven’t complained at all, they are doing their best to fix something that is quite difficult for them

But when I read this nerf, I just said WTF. It is pretty much the only Hunters Lodge item I am currently using with a use case. I have around twenty crafted and only use them on specific rare titans that otherwise I would score poorly on. They are extremely expensive.

Without them it’s just back to using several timestops for a similar effect. I can do that, but the shields are actually fun, difficult to use properly (avoiding stuns etc) and something different

We are fighting 13/14* titans, and honestly that gets boring, it’s nice to be able to do something a bit different occasionally

FFS, do not nerf this. I honestly feel that with all the other crap going on that this might just be the thing that drives me out of the game

I just pressed the button to research alteration scrolls. As part of your Titan arsenal they are very powerful. I have materials to craft them. Should I even bother? Are you gonna pull their teeth too?



What do they think?

“How the heck we can get rid of everything useful. It has to be possible to scare away everyone.”

It’s going to be Hunters Dodge.
Isn’t there sth else to do?

:thinking: :zipper_mouth_face: :disappointed:


How do you use those Alteration Scrolls?

I have some but never research them in HL, because I hav not seen much advantage when used them.

I must be doing something wrong.

I’ve seen people use them on YouTube only, to get massive Titan hits. But I have not used them myself and thought I would try them.

But I’m pretty bummed out right now and probably won’t bother. It will just be turtle banner, timestops, axes, tornadoes. Ho hum

The Hunters Lodge isn’t worth bothering with any more


The only point of the item before its change was mainly titan abuse with 3 1* heroes with low defense and 1* troops. But generally the costs of the item, and required titan parts is what makes it so “meh to decent” when investing in making them.

You generally need about 10-12 for 3 flags, and even then you aren’t guaranteed decent hits except vs special titans with a higher drop of 4*.

The investment is worth it for those special titans 12*-14*.

A bad change to the item imo.


But why
 did it really hurt the developers that there was one useful item in the whole overpriced arsenal?

Edit: and in the whole scheme of things, this is really something to spend developer resources on?


I don’t know
 kinda like the idea to get a property back for Hero Academy.

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Is there a way to continue playing the game without having to update to v30? I enjoyed this game without having to play with my balls cut off.

Congratulations to Castration Games for another unnecessary buggering


Based on earlier releases once the new version is out you will not able to use the old one after a certain amount of days.

I do not like “nerfing” this battle item either :frowning:

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I have used them to jump start a terrible board.

Change the tiles, fire a tornado and get something started. Works great when running mono.

Only use them on rare titans.

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But why? To what end? Leave the damn Titanium Shields alone.

Why??? Why???


Titans complained to SGG that they couldn’t lay a finger on players and that they were harming themselves instead

Poor, poor titans :cry:


This one I really don’t get.

I used the shields only for rare titans and I don’t even remember getting the bonus AM in any of those titans.


Funny. I predicted this coming since people were supporting SSG with Tell and Vela nerfs.

Now it’s hitting home huh? Great! Level one Aifes should not be doing 80 to 100k on rare titans. And you think heroes are overpowered


I use the Shields only for rare titans, barely even get the desired AM and yet, they just gotta screw it up!!!
I don’t even understand why they would rethink the Shields in the first place.
There’s even alliances that discourage the use of the Shields, why make it unuseable for everyone?

I’m not touching AL

The first iteration of HA looks like absolute :poop:

Other than Harpoons, Titanium Shields, Scroll of Alteration and maybe Hunter’s Caltrops/Hurricane/Time Freeze, what else is useful in Hunter’s Lodge??

Where is this game going really???

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And am I the reason Telluria and Vela were nerfed?

I never used them because they’re resource heavy.

This might not be the best solution but I’m not surprised at this because of people using 1*, common sense tells us that wasn’t the intention of SGG when they introduced this item.

Just like how you’re restricted in troops and items in the challenge events, make these shields and other lodge items can only be used with 4*/5* heroes.

Another option is don’t allow lodge items for S3 and events.