🧪 Early information on the October 2020 HOTM (Zulag)

Why not make the ability undispellable to justify that he heals and protects only 3 heroes?

Well at least there’s no yellow 5 star dispeller I think (I may be wrong).

I regret to say it, but starting from Zulag, all the new hero of the month will have this ‘‘element link’’ of summon a minion with 5%… it’s a really very ridiculous E.L. but her skill is awesome in the other effects


Noor is laughing… I will become immortal, she said.

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These all seem like decent changes. Looking forward to seeing if the Baldur damage boost makes much of a difference—but if they REALLY want to improve him they’ll cut his damage animation wayyyy down. Make it so he can be used on titans for his high tile damage without slowing everything down.

Yeah, the elemental link for this batch of HotM seems rather weak. It does have the upside of not giving a buff for Finley to work off of, but a very niche upside and won’t matter if you have other buffs/elemental links up.


Well I was wrong indeed, I forgot Vivica + costume.

But I’m just pulling crap from the costume chamber portal these days…

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This is still horrible, I hope they nerf the %s and change it to all before release… I’d use rigard costume over this for almost every use case.


I will never understand why they set tanky healers with higher attack and an OK defence… her skill isn’t the bestest too. Resistance on sand is also too situational. A hero that wont be a good tank neither a good support for attacking.

She also heals just like a 4* C. Rigard for only nearby allies. At this rate there will be tellurias forever so does Vela’s nerfs.


Why not making his HoT stack with other HoT for a change? Right now I don’t see a lot of incentive to use this hero. I’ll focus on a second Rigard + Costume

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Just gonna say it, this hero is strongggg. Like majorly strong.

Mini minion, and double defense increase effects and paladin, and large heal…this is like a super tanky target and nearby version of telluria.

No, it is just tile dumpster like original Kasshrek or Raphaele, hard for newbie who do not know how to handle it but easy for experienced player who know how to handle it. No ailment, no attack buff, no danger for opposing team. Just dump tiles on her until your special (and dispeller) ready and then destroy them.

For comparison, Ares give attack buff and critical buff which makes his allies deadlier so it put opposing team into a more vulnerable condition.

There is a reason why C.Magni is prefered over Magni and C.Vivica over Vivica in defense. They all make enemies vulnerable instead of making allies tankier.


And now Frigg too :smiling_imp:


Better add a bit of initial healing, maybe 15-25% so that it can serve as the healing tank.
If so, she will be able to fairly compete with Kunchen to serve the defense team as the purple healer tank.

Just my personal feeling, I see that Telly’s throne is now deteriorating and purple tank is coming back, somehow.

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I saw her in tank… I did try to summon for her using saved coins but fail…

I would rather face Zulag tank than Frigg or C.Magni.

Here is one that is not feeling:

@Aquaginera_7DD has frigg as a tank


Frigg is not a good tank but she’s an exceptional hero :+1:t2:

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Telly will stay for sometime for sure, I completely agree.
As I said, I have a personal feeling that purple is coming back.

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The number of Telly did decrease but still majority.

If the purple tank is coming back, I doubt Zulag with added instant healing will make the cut… as she still do not put attacker in danger.

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What’s this feeling based on? Kunchen is a bit of a joke these days. Ursena hits hard but was always a squishy tank. And Zulag…:joy:

Just realize that this HotM name is Zulag not Glenda… write the wrong name in earlier post :sweat_smile:

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