🧪 Early Information on the October 2019 HOTM (Kingston)

As far as my opinion is concerned we shouldn’t ask for overperforming heroes with the assumption that there will be another wave of powercreep with the new event heroes and skins.

It simply isn’t farsighted.

Kingston have an improved effect over Zeline: his attack debuff works as Athena’s special and I don’t think that it would be reasonable to put such effects to cover the whole team.
We already had a sniper that would have affected the whole team and it were rightly balanced:

  • Magni: Defense buff is applied to nearby allies instead of all allies

This is possible even for Kingston.

Id say he were toe to toe with Zeline.
He is immune to burning damage, his maximum damage output doesn’t lower with fewer targets, his status aliment is stronger, he empower green’s mana generation bonus… but he doesn’t dispel or deals extra damage against ice.

I suggested this to who I figured were a player in search of challenges, if this were not the case then I’m sorry. :cry: