🧪 Early Information on the May 2020 HOTM (Clarissa)

The reduction in DoT is a bit of a downer but she was head and shoulders above GM with the same DoT level, this adjustment tones it down. The defense against special skills gains a turn which is nice (nicer for defense than offense I believe).

Could someone confirm if the 25% extra damage still the same after this rebalance of the DoT damage?
Increased Damage - How Much?

I still hope to summon her, if the new costumes and new 3* and 4* S3 heroes are launched next month there is a good chance that she joins. IF Clarissa joins I may never max Telluria and simply keep tanking with Ursena and pop Clarissa in there too (extra defense against special skills at very fast, makes a decent wing. Force the war yellow stack by flanking Ursena, not good at the top level but we aren’t there so it could be effective.).

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