đŸ§Ș Early Information on the March 2020 HOTM (Telluria)

It wasn’t so much the HoT

It was heal over time AND very hearty minions AND mana generation debuff AND damage AND elemental link AND natural resistance

Also for the record there was no “nerf”
 There was a pre-release change lol
 Nerf implies it was in the live game and actually affected anyone

Realistically you’re fortunate to have even know about anything to do with heroes pre-release
 If Z didn’t do the beta beat & beta testers actually did not share beta images (like they’re supposed to), nobody outside of beta would ever know


Ok. So JF and neith were not nerfed? It seemed like many forum members referred to what happened to them as being nerfed.

Anyway, i have nothing against beta testers and whether the “pre-release change” is their fault or not. i have no intention on dwelling on that nonsense which i’ve read on other threads.

I was just asking since IMO, if she is supposed to be a healer, why not remove the damage altogether and giver her more healing, since her attack is much weaker than neith’s or negligible at best.

As for the elemental link, it is useless if no other green is in your team. It will not benefit telluria’s attack since she has low base attack. The minion removal is situational and it is seldom that we see grimble, capt of diamonds and gobbler in defense teams.

Still, in her current form, she is very much welcome if she joins my roster which badly needs a tank.

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this has been suggested many times by beta-testers, but isn’t what SG chose to do, apparently.


There is still time and hopefully, they will make such change.

Yes, she were brokenly OP.
I can’t post screenshots here but I can talk about them

First screenshot

Enemies: Seshat - Malosi - Telluria - Jean-François - Drake Fong
All of them with minions and at full HP, the only injured were Telluria with about 150 HP left

Attackers: Grazul - Jean-François - Gravemaker - Telluria - Malosi
Grazul 567 HP
Jean-François 743 HP
Gravemaker -dead-
Telluria 884 HP
Malosi -dead-

Second screenshot
Drake Fong 350 HP, slowed down


Telluria 1503 HP + Heal over Time and Minion

She won a 1vs3 against Malosi, Jean-François and Drake Fong once my dying Jean-François and Grazul took down Seshat and Telluria.


I know they are; I was just making a terminology point. A nerf implies that it was a change post release. Not aimed specificaly at you but more just making use of your question to make the point :slight_smile:

It was suggested to remove the damage component but it didn’t go completely.
The damage wasn’t the main issue really
 The main issue was heaps of HP plus the minions and the mana slow
 Those three combined made her a virtually indestructible tank
 Especially when pumped with emblems up the wazoo

Not in defence teams but remember, Tulleria is primarily a defence tank
 So the minion remover would be in the attacking team
 And then it would be far more common given that she was making minions with 30% of the heroes bas HP


Like the nerfing of my comedic acumen?

I will probably start S3 and say I’ll hold off on summoning until Telluria becomes available on the end and just use whatever coins I’ve accumulated
but due to my weak will and gambling addiction will end up drawing with every last gem until I live on the street.


Ohhhhhhh my oh my
 my meat shield yunan might be getting a sister

Hmmmmm Evelyn-buddy-miss meat-tarlak mn
that’s a lot of minions to have to battle through now I only need 6 more tonic :slight_smile:

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You will become a legend among Grimble owners. There will be forums dedicated to you because of your dedication to making Grimble look like a great

Making Grimble Relevant Again . . . (Huh, again? When was he relevant before?)

Grimble owners will reroll again and again until they have no more food just in the search for your elusive team. Think of all the gems to be spent on refilling the food supplies just for continuing the rerolls, SG will build a statue in your honor.

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My future D.


I’m trying the same
 Except for GM, cause I have not him
 And except for JF, cause I’m trying and trying and trying buy
 RNG Is defeating me!

If a miracle happens, and JF arrives
 Red-blue-green-blue-red with Telluria seems solid, but won’t you need an additional healer?

I wouldn’t use two healers
 It will lack the punch to take the enemy down, probably

Unless one is a rezzer and the other is the tank (Kunchen, Vivica costumed, Guinevere
), it doesn’t make a lot of sense to have two healers. And rezzers will probably be not a good idea with Telluria because of double green.

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Be aware of the fact that you would only have Magni to deal damage quickly (required to deal with cleansers) and that a single Grazul could hardcounter your defense.


Color stackers dream opponent


Which color would you stack against that team?

I would stack holy & dark with Rigard cleansing


You will need a nearly perfect board to kill Telluria b4 she fires her special, and when she does it’s game over.

Personally, I’d stack three green (Evelyn, Kingston, Hansel) and 2 Holy (Drake or Neith with Inari).

More or less the same except you’ll burn more.

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I could also do red (Anzogh, Zimkitha, Marjana) and dark (costumed Rigard, Seshat)