šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on the January 2020 HOTM (Vela)

Wow I never noticed the hit from Vela was comparable to GM, that is actually interesting.

However, GMs biggest hit come from his DoT - and lasting longer is NOT a good thing. Thereā€™s more time for a cleanser to kick in and take it away. In addition, a fast hero will most likely be recharged within less than 4 turns, causing you to either wait to fire your special or lose 1-2 rounds of DoT. Also, the DoT from Vela is 208 vs 298 from GM. Not a gigantic difference, but taking 4 rounds it needs to have full effect and it builds up as a not so strong trait.

Itā€™s actually the only thing I think itā€™s a bit underwhelming, the DoT duration, should be max 3 turns.


Oooo ok i get it now, youā€™re right about the dot, it would be better in 3 turns, but not less since vela affects all the heroes of the opponent, and that could be to OP.

If they keep her stats the same, Iā€™d love to have her on my team. A fast version of Isarnia with minion resistance and water damage. Definitely getting my telescopes if I land her and they keep her stats the same as beta.

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Resistance to LotLā€™s minions? Wow interestingā€¦
Iā€™m excited got a blue AOE hitter, the only element missing one. Bring her on :slight_smile:

Issy? Sheā€™s AoE and a hitter?

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Oh snap I forgot about her and I have her at 3/70 LOL, oops!

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But Vela seems more like the Zeline/Zim/Kadilen typeā€¦

Thereā€™s also:

  • Frida, Athena, Richard, thorne (X3)
  • Rumple, issy and snow white (x5)
  • Finley & Misandra (X?)

Yeah but those are not AOE hitters, they are Splash hitters thatā€™s two different types. I wouldnā€™t compare those.

Sheesh I really need to look at my roster because clearly I do not know what the heroes I have doā€¦Rumple does hit all but I hate him and donā€™t use him so thatā€™s why I donā€™t even remember what he does LOL and Snow is new, Iā€™m tired I guess :joy:

Iā€™d characterise the splash as being the ones who do ā€œminor damage to nearbyā€ which isnā€™t the case of most of those

But in any case, Vela is going to be a nice addition to the hitting power of blues

I feel like this hero would be the perfect counter to JF in February. The hero is water based an JF is fire based, rather than Vela doing 150% attack (or maybe another skill) I feel like maybe she should have a trait like ā€˜protects/reduces all allies from fire damage for x turnsā€™ that way it will make her a reasonable defense and offence hero against JF, Natalya, and GM.

I know technically any cleanser is a counter against JF but this hero does a new DoT type (water damage :sweat_drops:) and just feels like a counter for JF.

Thatā€™s just my idea, I donā€™t mind the 150% attack but with the huge debate going on in the JF thread about OP I feel this might help :cold_face:


I think she will be better if she can remove DoT and give DoT immunity to all allies for 2 turns instead of extra damage against fire.

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Extremely underwhelming hero. Hits with a feather , dot is fairly useless, elemental attack down is meh , basically come into play on defence against red colour stack and considering the number of Dot heroes in fire element , pretty useless .
Only decent special is 10% critical

What you want guys Vela its much better then Neith, fast hit + dot deals extra damage against red, she itā€™s good hero.


I had a similar assessment of Neith, however, I believe Vela gets it right and will be a good, not great, but good, blue 5* addition. My assessment is that the 150% damage is very weak, and the DOT does not make up for it, as it still is relatively weak. However, what does make up for the relatively weak special attack is the fast mana speed, which is a sufficient compensation, and turns what could be a disappointing hero into a good one. I believe a lot of players who need a blue 5* toon will try to pull Vela.


Vela is a great flank for March HOTM or Yunan. She is also interesting to pair with BK and Zeline. Normally people use a red stack against BK and Zeline since Zeline hits blue hard. With Vela, it will force the opponent to change their strategy against BK and Zeline.


Thatā€™s the thing though, it means Vela is a good support hero but not a game changer on her ownā€¦ Imma need more game changers in my squad hmmm :thinking:

(Looks to February and March)


Missing your attack bufferā€¦sub Kiril in there for Ariel or Vela and then youā€™re talking.

Why would people use red stack against BK? I thought you were talking about Mitsukoā€¦

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