đŸ§Ș Early Information on ROUND 1 Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

But not to this extent. If they cripple Telly like they are proposing it will be the biggest and most impactful nerf to date

Not necessarily, many players have already expressed that they have no trouble defeating telluria as is.

It is like “pandora box” when you open never close again. Bcz trust is “difficult to gain and easy to lose” now when I see EP I don’t enjoy if I always imagine if they nerf a hero so i don’t spend more money I rather spend money on Steam or on RC race cars for hobby bcz I can be sure.

Never can close that door again once you lose trust.

I will revisit this thread later. I don’t have the time right now to read over 1000 posts. I don’t own Vela and I don’t play in the beta. A guess though is that I think this is going too far. The first and hopefully only step with her is to reduce the +70% damage to fire to +40%.

The bad part about Telluria is the mana drain. I can recover from a bad start on any other board with some luck. If Alberich is missing 8 tiles and I have that -34% mana regen there’s absolutely no way to recover unless I have a cleanser one turn away from being ready. I think that -mana regen and heals just shouldn’t mix. Having it on a damage dealer is ok. Maybe you can kill it with tiles and create a hole so you can cast anyway. If I have no one charged Telluria will be able to cast again due to the speed difference and in the meantime I will be decimated by dots.

What I propose is to get rid of the -mana regen completely. Keep all other abilities and stats as is but also give her a new and not as powerful ability. Telluria still deserves to be the best tank in the game if you have the right combination of complementary heroes. I do think it should be a debuff still and my first try would be to give her a healing debuff. So the short version below then.

Vela: +70% Fire damage down to +40%
Telluria: Remove the -34% mana regen. Give new ability All enemies get -25% increase for any healing received for 3 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.

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As @zephyr1 astutely pointed out, they haven’t proposed any change officially. Just a version to be tested by those in the beta environment.

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If they nerf telluria only after 2 months of release, I will be asking for refund of all the purchase I have made since the release of Telluria. This is clearly a bait and switch!


I agree that it happens countless times, these changes in telluria it will not serve for anything else. because it was made to be a tank leaves as this should not change.

Fair enough. But if what they have drawn up sticks its gonna suck lol

I don’t know about “many”, but so far the dominant suggestion seems to be “just run mono”. That’s hardly a strategy honestly, because with mono, if you get the board, you win from the first move. You don’t get the board against the GTV/JTV center, you have a 99% chance of losing.

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beta testers approved telluria and sailing so why nerf and lower the status of heroes

That’s fair, but I don’t see it as just a random starting point either. The fact that they started so low is insulting, I think. “Proposed nerf plan” feels like a fair way to say it by acknowledging this is their first option presented.

But we’ll see where it ends up.


They do not have seal of approval.

Only SG have.

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In any case though, it’s already been stated that SG will make whatever changes they want regardless of beta feedback. And, since Petri mentioned June being the timeframe for the change that doesn’t seem to be a lot of time to work out any issues. Which is to say that I’m not holding my breath.

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I don’t see it as random either — but I also don’t assume all of the changes are meant to go together.

I see it as a way to test a few ideas at once, before iterating.

I think they’re looking for feedback on how players find the changes to each component of the Special Skill, to decide where to focus, and how to balance each component.

I think it’s worth remembering that multiple components were tweaked multiple times during the original Beta too.


if the SG really had a seal of approval it wouldn’t nerf the heroes like this one now doing with telluria

Can someone explain to me why the nerf is too strong while no one tried it yet ?
With the exact same reason, wasn’t it obvious that Telly was overpowered ?

Perhaps. The original Betas for Telluria were collectively around 20 days, including days Telluria was available in Beta alongside other unrelated content testing.

This will upset player who spend money to pull her.

And how about those emblem She was given to her. Doest it fit to her status right now?

In my opinion she should not be nerfed instead they should design hero who can counter her.

She makes this game better the way she was
Very challenging.

I guess for me, I’m only fixated on Vela. I cannot understand why they would just completely remove the extra damage as if that could ever be a reasonable solution or something that even needs to be looked into. Her extra damage is the only thing that keeps her from being a straight up not good hero.

She was never even close to being OP. Sure she’s good with green tanks, but that would’ve never been a problem if a stupidly strong green tank hadn’t been released.

I’m mad because they should be the experts on their game but their shortsightedness, or perhaps just greed, has left us footing the bill.


I think it’s OK! Cool! :ok_hand:
Nick: HoaLuaHaNoi.vn from Việt Nam!