šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Round 1 of Moth Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v73]

You donā€™t have wang yuanji?

Tealmoine is the one for me.

I need more blue fast healers since I only have Milena and passed on Thanatos for Rochefort (all my other blue healers are average or slower)

Maybe in Soul Exchange 2027

i guessing if owls will be great or not counters to family bonus
as they will resist (not removed or cleaned ) and even speed up them

forgot to test it in betaā€‹:unamused::pensive:

Not sure if this is accurate - boosting health deals damage? @PlayForFun


This was the exact wording in Beta, which I have reported to Staff, and this will be fixed when the hero is released.

Anyway I have just removed this tooltip from the topic to avoid confusion.


im sad i forgot to test family bonus with owls as i think they are great counter to moth family as they will resist mana gen ailments and even speed up theem self
forget to test if resist is as removed or not
i hooe they will not go to sleep after resist

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In round 1 are they caterpillars :bug:

Any idea on gem cost?


Night of Moth is an Alliance Questā€¦

May the portals show you kindness!


Thanks, 2600 is actually really good, Iā€™m pleasantly surprises by this and hoping it doesnā€™t change.

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That purple is a beast, definitely a shield path attacker.

I keep reading her name as Mortewitch, like death witch.

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I originally assumed that Moths were being released to provide a balance so the leaderboards wouldnā€™t be filled with Mega Minion heroes.

Iā€™m anticipating the opposite - if Iā€™m hit with a Mega Fiend it will be much more effective to replace it with a Mega Minion than trying to heal for 75-80% just to be around half health and need to be healed a 3rd time.


Her name is ramona champion family

I feel the mega fiend heroes seem to be a bit underwhelming so farā€¦ True that they can replace the mega minion and once you receive a mega fiend, it will be very difficult to get rid of it and that hero will just die over the next few turnsā€¦

Butā€¦ for 2 out of the 3 mega fiend summoners that SG has released in game or beta, they pretty much donā€™t do anything elseā€¦ The one who does damage deals 800% at slow and the mega fiend summoning is a bit counter intuitive to the massive damage he doesā€¦ I just feel those mega minion summoners who either deal loads of damage or gives a big heal are still much more powerful at this point.

Maybe SG is on track to release stronger mega fiend heroes later, but for the time being, am not impressed. Weā€™ll see.

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Should change the mechanism so if a mega minion hero has a mega fiend and casts, the mega minion wonā€™t replace the fiend unless the minion has more health than the fiend.


Well Iā€™m looking forward to seeing Pepperblu & Tealmoine at release. Hopefully I can pull something new from this portal ā€¦ good luck everyone!


I really like this idea or something along those lines. A little silly with all these mega minions out that one just overwrites the other. Mega minions will always be better than fiends that way, itā€™s not a counter for them.


Same! I looove the moths :butterfly::butterfly::butterfly: