This. So, much, this.
I mean, I’ll find out what they do when I get smeared by them in dragon!raids, I guess.
Obviously some folks have, but I feel exactly zero incentive to spend any money on this pale copypasta of the main game.
Not only can I not yet still fully ascend even a single 4* dragon, but there’s not much reason to, given that the dragon!copypasta isn’t even a game so much as it is a threat to the main game (“we’re gonna dump dragons into PvP! yes we will! YES WE WILL! then you’ll be SOOOOORRRYYYY” )
Do I ever hear this….
but sweet RNG I wish this were true. It feels like daring to raid even into Silver I means “oh look, some 5* you never learned about because Just Bigger Than You, whatev, /splat/.”
We “need” this like we need another hole in the head.
I can only surmise that after wasting so much time that could have gone into developing literally anything else in the main game, that pressure grew to just release the dragon!copypasta regardless, and milk it as much as possible for easy cash while not bothering with, like, actual gameplay content or anything.
arguably, technically true, in that perhaps very little has been as underwhelming and insignificant in scale to the game.
So, you know, “beyond” in the sense of “possibly (yet) unsurpassed en--ification” which is Limbo-ing under a pretty remarkably low bar.