đŸ§Ș Early Information on Hero Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v31]

Thorne and Horghal have actually been buffed March last year

Season 1 hero receiving +40% attack. This is

I won’t be a b**** and say “what about t. amun, khiona, perseus and others?” but thanks for looking at older heroes too. Since older heroes balances are likely to affect positively more players.


I like all these buffs!

Can we also get another one for Justice please? I’m still seeing her graded among the very lowest of 5* heroes, and not seeing any C-grade heroes at all would be beautiful to me.

I think Horghall could still use another buff, and Costume Quintus along with him. Or at least buff costume Quintus. We already know Horghall doesn’t hold a candle to the better non-vanilla 5* out there, and I wouldn’t be offended if costume Quintus’s skill is flat-out a better version of Horghall’s. Costume Quintus makes me feel like SG’s trying to pretend it thinks Horghall is good & worth summoning for.

I was not aware of that. Anyway they still suck

You can find it here:

Horghal still sucks, its grade in Anchor grade only improve from C to B-.

But Thorne is better now, his grade in Anchor grade increased from C to B+.

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Thanks @yelnats_24.
To conclude my point, I do not have Thorne but I find him easy to beat in defense when raiding. On the other hand I have Horghall and he is a total joke both when used in attack and in defense. Finally, I have Jean Francois and I find him simply ridicolous even when emblemed. I really do not understand why so many people use him, it is very easy to destroy when used in defense

why Myztero its not on that list???


They will get attention for some players if they buff Skadi. Noor will be less avaiable which means less money and ignorence for them i guess. it is business at the end

instead of this lets do this;

Deals %355 Damage to the target and (minor removed) nearby enemies


Thorne has been buffed several times already., JGE

Leave Finley alone. He is one of the ONLy heroes that specifically punish HOTMs and deep color stacking.

Dont ruin the fun of Finley.

Personally I wish he hit once PER buff.

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That seems too OP, 20 characters

Love to see that Skadi is finally able to kill minions (without additional support or a lot of emblems) and actually works.
Much needed buff

Yes, so true.
That’s so annoying that elemental links count as buffs for Finley.
And while they are at it, they should make it possible, to clean Jabbers poison.
Then these both hero’s would be balanced as well.


@Guvnor thanks for your support my friend. One question
 Are these changes save or do they make another test with the new changes? So that there is a chance that they will change somethjng again?

Change Khagan to average mana speed.


Thank you. I was just gonna say the exact same thing.

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I don’t know, just passing on the information I have.

For gazelle, yes.

Always a chance that they will test different stuff. Nothing in beta is ever guaranteed :slight_smile:

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241 votes vs. 10.7k views
 so a strike rate of 2%?

The # of votes doesn’t necessarily show a representative cut of peoples opinon as there is only one ballot option

If you wanted an ACTUAL representation of the viewers thoughts you would need several options
 not just “vote yes” and “don’t vote at all”; especially as the later option has no means of gathering quantitative numbers.

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Overall I don’t know how I feel about all of these. But I do love Skadi. I don’t think she needed a buff. Sometimes she just needed an assist. I managed a +7 stack on a telly team that was 300 CP higher than my team with the help of Black Knight. His attack up let me kill 5 new telly minions along with 2 that were half dead. It was beautiful. So if she doesn’t need the help anymore, I’m still happy.