šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on General Hero Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v37]

Season 1 Costumes are not changed in the current Beta

SG have changed some costumes on Friday.
See @Guvnor 's updates in OP or his comment down below.


How costumes come in to play is a good question. But all in all I think these are good changes.

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I always question moves and the reasoning behind it. Yes, MOST of these moves were justified and boosting season 1 heroes is a great move to help those just starting and others not spending. But Miki? Has there been a cry for the incredible silence move to be boosted any more? Miki is a top 10 hero IMO and I donā€™t think this will create a biggest need already for him.

Strange thought processā€¦if only they had a forum to look at or beta testers to get ideas from.


Just make Noor average speed. The issue with her is the fight is already won or lost when/if she fires. Bera already counters her ability so the Valhalla heroes are still superior.


Leaving her as slow mana I would do 30% atk-30% hp for minions and I would add cleanse as first thing in special. She cleanses, then she spawns bulky sparrows.

Cleanse+sparrows+element link could be good at slow mana.

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Please relax

  1. Quit ranting about noor and let the beta test work.
  2. Quit ranting about only standard heroes buffed, let the beta test work
  3. Quit ranting about other heroes that need buffs, let the beta test work

Use your brain. Obviously at this point it is tested to buff the standard heroes a tiny bit to make it easier for f2p or low Budget players to compete with the whales!

We all know there are plenty of heroes that deserve some buff.
But if I would test some hero adjustments in a beta i most certainly would not buff 146 heroes at the same timeā€¦ who could check all those changes in such a short span of time?!

There can be a lot of criticism on SG but to avoid another tellugate / velagate scenario I think its better to do the hero balances in slow steps and not rushing some major changes and then needing to step back againā€¦


Thot-Amun needs a speed ManĆ” buff imho. With that he can be useful, very fast is what he needs

any word about other heroes being balanced aswell?

Season 1 Hero buffs - Glad they are doing this. Sure other heroes could use them too, but Iā€™ll take it. This by no means puts them anywhere near on par with the latest heroes (and they certainly shouldnā€™t), but at least this increases their relevancy, and makes some of them more worthy of ascending. Horghall without costume especially was pretty meh before this change (when compared to Skittleskull), but this boost improves him quite a bit - for the roles where Slow speed are viable at least.

Miki buff - It seems like that for most heroes who have multiple special effects, all of their special effect durations match either other. I have a feeling this change is more about setting both effects to the same duration as opposed to trying to buff Mikiā€™s silence ability.

I am not ranting about the proposed buffs. Many of them were neededā€¦ some were not, others should
probably be buffed even furtherā€¦ but overall, I absolutely agree that they need to be very careful before adjusting stats on any hero (to avoid any possible TellyVela Nerfgate scandals going forward)ā€¦

Though based on their history, I donā€™t really have a lot of faith in their beta testing process, since it has been reported that they oftentimes donā€™t even listen to the advice given by their own beta testers.

So I remain somewhat skeptical for now. :slightly_smiling_face:


LOL at the Homaclese mention.


SG is too busy creating and implementing new money-grabbing features. We are already very lucky to get some adjustment to the five stars. Improvement for 4* and 3*? Probably after SG is done another round of milk squeezing.


Iā€™ve never even considered leveling Horghal and I pulled his costume on the first chamber. If his special is increased to 280%, would he be worth it maxed, with costume and emblems on attack? Or still not good? Would Bertila still do more damage?

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Yes, base stats matter a lot. And while Quintus has a much higher attack value, heā€™s a lot less sturdy. The overall stats of Horghall, Justice, and Quintus are more or less the same, just differently distributed (Quintusā€™ much higher attack value comes with a relatively low shield/HP)

True, Quintus would still do about 10-15% more damage with his special. This sums up to maybe about 30 to 50 respectively 50 to 70 more damage per enemy compared to Horghall and Justice (with no buffs/debuffs). However, these slightly lower damage values comes with - 34% attack for 6 rounds respectively - 40% accuracy for 4 rounds. These debuffs are already pretty valuable. Moreover, as already said, Horghall and especially Justice have a much better survivability compared to Quintus, which is particularly important for slow heroes.

Admittedly, Iā€™d personally be happy about a big boost for Groot and Justice and I wouldnā€™t ascend Quintus even if he had 290%, but I believe a higher special attack value with strong debuffs isnā€™t exactly the best balancing.


Kahgan I think is decent after the last buffs, but still alot of heros that need adjustment and fixing not just s1 like norns still doing nothing other then damage in defense areon etc, and why are just atk stats being boosted on a select few why not defense on ones that need it like Elena or magni (magni I guess gives def up but Elena in costume is even lower defense).

Itā€™s a step in the right direction but thereā€™s alot more that needs adjustment especially to keep.up with the new s4 heros with passive abilities and pretty beefy stats to start withā€¦hopefully it wonā€™t stop at this handfulā€¦

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Honestly, I love Miki as he is and only use him for events, trials and titan. Maybe that is why heā€™s being increased to 5 turns? Try to make him a bit more relevant and useful? I wonā€™t complain, this extra turn will be extremely helpful in events, etc


Why Inari is not on this list??? So sadā€¦


The next event, Grimforest, reflects Red though :smiley:

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Seriously, he should not get a buff. Buffing him is nonsense and work of irrespective amateurs.

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C.Gunnar for the win (and Finley)