šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Costumes Post-Hiatus Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v26]

Welcome to the forum. Iā€™m not familiar enough with the costume leveling to help you.

That bonus only applies to eating the same costume when leveling a costume

If youā€™re leveling the hero without the costume then you get the bonus of eating the same hero

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@Raspingalito This explains all about leveling costumes. No extra bonus increase for using same hero to level a costume.

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Costumed Vivica looks pretty amazing, I agree. (I have Kunch, and wish I had her costume!) She also seems to be the only 5* costume that is that significant an improvement.

Izzy, Groot, Elena are about the same ā€¦ Joon and Lianna were already great and arenā€™t that much better.

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So how are you going the heroā€™s that we have clothes for but no body? I was unlucky enough to pull 2 elena but no body.

Those of use who have been playing for a more than one yr. May have a copy of 90% of straight S1 heroā€™s so we really donā€™t need more heroā€™s. But there are other who donā€™t have the bodies to hang the clothes on. Until SG get through all of S1 heroā€™s for costumes, I see two options; the one with the hero and costume and costume only. the later should be at least 1/2 the cost of the first.

Lol love your lingo ā€œbodyā€ and ā€œcostumeā€ , might adopt it myself

ā€œI have Vivicaā€™s costume but canā€™t find her bodyā€ <ā€” sounds like a murder mystery


I wish the bonus chest was shared with atlantis summons, that would benefit f2p/c2p who rely mostly on keys/coins

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Will the season 2 portal still be available after the release of S3? I could see the S2 heroes being added to the standard epic summons portal.

Nobody really knows yet.

Two main theories:

  1. Atlantis Rises & the Atlantis Portal will continue after Season 3 has been released
  2. Season 2 Portal will replace the Existing Classic Summons Portal (minus the returning HotM which may get moved to the Season 3 Portal)

Also hypothesised that S2 heroes will be added to the Training Camps using the existing levels


One of the big complaints about costumes v1.0 was locking up the hero/costume for raid tournament/alliance war defenses. It seems to me like SG is ā€œsolvingā€ that by including a copy of the hero with the costume pull, rather than by offering more flexibility with equipping costumes. In a sense, they are saying, go level another copy of the hero (and costume) and then youā€™ll be able to choose between your two copies with one locked in and one that can change as desired. Am I reading into that correctly?

Ok now they will give us costume + hero and what they dont give us the costumes for the heros where we have.

That could be a point, but I guess that they just made the changes because of fairness (to avoid complaining). Just imagine how many complaints they were getting from players. Getting a costume for a legendary that you donā€™t have doesnā€™t do you any good. If you want to use it then you have to go ahead and fish for the corresponding hero. And since the costumes are summoned with the same pull from a random pool design as everything else, it poses a big problem, you are spending your money potentially on such things that you are unable to use. Of course you can spend more to get the hero you need, but that is a long shot with the known summoning odds.

the clothes are changed to protect the guilty

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I am looking forward the new costume Quests, but I guess that 4500 is to much for me. Anyway I will try it.:slight_smile:

I agree. I got Viv, she is good and the exception. Use her way more than Kunchen. Why not do the same for all?
The game has evolved so much, attack de-buff on a slow hero that will most likely die before it can fire isnā€™t worth pulling for. Costumes could be great, but so far the 5* specials are very disappointing. Def de-buff, mana manipulation & attack boost wouldā€™ve been way more enticing.

The only reason to summon for the rest is the mana boost, but only if you have that hero maxed. I waited more than a year before I started to ascend heroes and stayed away from slow & underrated heroes even though I owned most of them. Since mats are too rare I canā€™t see any reason to pull, especially if you got Viv early. Some of the 4ā€™s are great, they will come in time with keys. No rush

Iā€™ve seen teams from 3500-4000 TP of all classic 4* beat it in Beta (including my own), even without carpet bombing.

I think itā€™s very doable with good team selection and a little effort.

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Ok but if we have costumes now but not the hero, will we recieve the hero now for the costume???

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This team beat the final battle without using any items:


I agree Vivica is the best costume. However, Liannaā€™s -mana gen skill is useful, as is her stat boost on the non-costume side. Joon was a bit fragile before, and the stat boost helps him survive. The 488% is only a modest increase, but with his attack increase I find that my heroes are getting killed by him more frequently. I use him in wars more now. Iā€™m not using Elenaā€™s costume ability but I do enjoy her stat boost including 849 attack.

I have Isarnia costume in my alt but havenā€™t ascended her. I will use her just for stat boost with regular special skill. I donā€™t have the other 5* ascended but the Horghall costume looks interesting.