šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on "Big Balance Update" [Part of The Beta Beat v58]

They said that there will be more of these updates. So letā€™s wait and see what the next one brings. First the 5* and hopefully next update the 4* or older 5*

If this were the real problem, they could have upgunned 5* stats across the board rather than pouring extra stats preferentially onto the already most-recent 5*.

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gazelle and ferdinan are litterly destroyed!!! they are the one for me the reason definatelly not to pay any single cent anymoreā€¦!


I have been playing this game for a long time and enjoyed it until last few months. As leader of Iā€™D HIT THAT it is harder and harder to convince players to keep playing, as even I donā€™t know how I am stil doing it. I understand we donā€™t own anything in this game and we are lucky you let us use your app to play, but we take decisions about ascending a hero considerring its special skills - for war defense, offense, titans, quests etc. We spend to do pulls, buy ascension items, aethers, alpha, emblems, food, etc etc etc according to a hero that has specials that are worth it when released. As a bussines, i hope at least u care about that. Adjusting an overpowerred hero, that you release even if Beta is ususally against it apparently isnā€™t an issue for you, but now adjusting so many heroes to correct your mistakes on our expenses isnā€™t fair. You are losing any trust we might stil have in you and you are affecting every single player that has spent a dime here. You are making some heroes absolutely useless and you are so kind to give us an alpha aether reset token for it??? I really hope you will reconsider all these changes and let us play. If not, you will lose even the players that barely stayed even after second limit break was released. Maybe that is your strategy to end Empires and Puzzles? Make us all Quit? #nospend


Lost for words!!!








Yes, because Sergei is too powerful and needed a nerf.
Standard for EDD has always been 54%, this is truly BS
He needs to have 4 turns dark EDD. Thank goodness I got 2C Dom, so my Sergei is just used as the normal attack buffer

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U right boss! I hope sg saw it!

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It was for me back in time. Now Iā€™m fine. Donā€™t have the time to either

I love how they said they donā€™t like ā€œan unlucky start leaving you with no room at all to mount a comebackā€ and nerf Gazelle, Rhys, even Brynhild :joy:, u expect player will be easier to mount a comeback from an unlucky board by remove healing skill and cleanses skill? Seriously?


they want to sell new support heroes (heal, clean) - so what other choice do they have besides destroying heroes that will be helpful til this game closes its doors ā†’ this would result in no further summons for those kind of heroes but if milena for example becomes garbage players might need a new very fast cleaner with slightly better heal

really curious why toxicandra didnt get destroyed this time with ā€œbalancingā€
guess they spared her ā€œbalancingā€ for next roundā€¦

hathor will also be ā€œbalancedā€ - but i guess they want to earn some more money with hathor (its a new hero) until they ā€œbalanceā€ her


I donā€™t have a purple EDD so Sergie even at -44% is good for me, I would be happy

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You just donā€™t care about players. Only about generating money. Clearly seen with your newest intentions. You claim to want to help overcoming bad start boards. But you make heroes useless who help to do this like Milena, Gazelle or Furdinand. And new strong heroes gets stats boost but older heroes doesnā€™t. And Brynhild is simply ridiculous. You also destroy strategies we create to compensate for your failures. Actually Shrubbear helped to overcome a bad start board. But you saw: oh, thereā€™s a cheap way to do this, we canā€™t allow this, thus we must reduce the Taunt duration. Not speaking that I wouldnā€™t have LB2 my Ludwig with inly 3 round Taunt at start. And so on and so on


I have mixed but mostly negative feelings on this. Some changes are understandable and expected (like Aramis, and for the full disclosure - I have him) and done in the way that do not destroy the hero.

I also understand that ā€œspecial skill inflationā€ has reached end of the road and something needs to be done about it so maybe stats based approach is a good idea - just maybe.

On the other hand, plenty of changes look just ā€¦ random. Morel that literally nobody complains about, Milena 1st charge (massively impacting usability of the hero), complete removal of heal/cleanse in other heroes, nerf to Waterpipe who is already out of the meta ā€¦ these changes seem to serve nothing else than making player base angry. This is even more true for heroes obtainable through SE as they might really be one of very few great heroes for F2P/VC2P people.

And while something needed to be done with Furdinand, I am never going to buy completely destroying the hero. Made a mistake pulling a lot to get Telluria so not really my case but if someone spent thousands to get specific hero, going from OP straight to SE feeder level must feel very very bad.

Aether reset we need a lot - but not just one ā€¦ I have at least 5 LB1 heroes Iā€™d gladly strip from LB1 mats right now :slight_smile:


Re Sergei, not overly bummed about it (heā€™s my only Purple EDD anyway), but also a bit annoyed.

Ok I get it, his first charge is faster than others. The -10% reduction wonā€™t cripple him. Butā€¦ yeahā€¦

So Sergei becomes: 6 tiles with -44% to all for 3 turns
Jackal is V-Fast, -54% to 1 for 4 turns
Almur and C-Marj both Fast with -54% to 3ā€¦ but Almur has 4 turns, C-Marj only 3
Nordri is Average with -54% to 3 for 4 turns

Still, Sergeiā€™s nerf isnā€™t the most baffling of the bunch at leastā€¦


Well itĀ“s just the next step in making money. They roll a lot of different things into one big change arguably to hide the greed factor.
And to be honest a lot of these changes are very good and positive for the game. So here I sum up the 5 main points of this update (canĀ“t call it balance). 2 points are all around positive (and 1 is neutral)!


  1. The change to ā€œreduce max healthā€ is very good: It makes a useless skill relevant, while toning down a super strong skill (overheal). Makes total sense and definitely helps game balance.

  2. Reduce damage skills and increase stats in general: Makes total sense! It reduces the speed of the fights which is a big problem in this game. I do have some of the damage nerfed heroes (Ogima, Ruby), but I can live with those nerfs. Taking into account the nerfs of Jove and Anne, I am more than happy with overall damage nerfs. These nerfs will definitely make me win more fights than lose.

3. Aether resets: First of all: Great idea! What makes it neutral are the details: In terms of to who and how and how many will be handed out? Well benefit of the doubt, but hopes arenĀ“t high. Main downside: ItĀ“s only a partial reset, not a complete one. SO it can be used to get a few of the invested resources back, but not all of them. Is it better than nothing? Maybe, depending on the case. What it really does is: You can reset a hero that got nerfed so badly that you never want to use him again ever and get half the resources back (aethers, and some food, XP and all emblems, which we could reset even before) but you donĀ“t get the Ascension mats or the food/XP needed to level the hero to 4-80. So a full reset to get all invested resources back would be much more useful. Special cases (mainly I would point out Ludwig and Milena, but even Kara is potentially a candidate) should even return 15/20 of those feeder coins in case the heroes were acquired in SE as the top picks in their respective SE portals.


But of course now we get to the absolutely horrible part.

  1. The individual nerfs that arenĀ“t damage nerfs. I have always been against individual nerfs (with the exception of Xnolphod, who was just too insanely boring), and I am still against them now. Small changes I could live with if it is for the greater good, but the total annihilation of heroes is not acceptable. What they do here is just something that is 100% bad with zero benefits to either the game as a whole or to players.
    New this time is that nerfs have finally reached offense heroes! Rhys and Milena are probably the most prominent victims. Those 2 are played frequently at the absolute top level, most whales have multiples of them and use them every war. Interestingly enough two other old healers that fit the same description (Garnet and Toxicandra) have been spared. I guess theyĀ“ll be nerfed in the next update then? Only surprising that they started with the newest one (Rhys). Milena being the top pick in last SE has become maybe too widely available? hard to say. Getting rid of older, but still relevant heroes, to force sales of newer versions of the same is really a good reason to stop spending altogether on this game. They have done it before (like Xnolphod) but then it was still possible to argue it had to be done for game balance/variety. It is not possible to make the same argument for offense heroes.

  2. The second point that purely increases hate feelings towards this update is the fact that the aforementioned positive balance changes (stats boost to reduce overall damage) is only applied to new 5star heroes. This leads to an overall NERF of all older heroes (while calling it a balance update lol!!!) as well as all 4 star heroes (did FTP/CTP players really do to well in this game so far???).


i guess if nospend looks like this let me in this movement :rofl:

really funny which alliances & players sporting that nospend ā€œphraseā€

they get 3 pulls for free on covenant they rename themselfa to #mospend :innocent: :rofl:


Interestingly Phenexa, whoā€™s overall more powerful than Rhys, is not getting nerf so far. An I think sheā€™s more dangerous, expecially when comboed with Ludwig (even nerfed version).


I remember when SG gave us statistic of most used heroes, gazelle is one of them.

I think sg targetting whoever used more by whales since the whales are the ones who spend much money chasing particular heroes

Milena might also has been targeted by sg to be nerfed, thatā€™s why she thrown into SE as the whales already got her and not really wanted to buy another healers, then after more people use her and get her, it is time to nerf her since she canā€™t be milked anymore

From moral perspective sg is cunning, from business perspective sg is smart ā– ā– ā– 

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Queen is average a lot of the ones they nerfed are fast. They should have never released fast hit all heroes with that much damage in the first place especially someone who does so much like Panther. The issue now though is so much money, time and resources have been spent on these heroes there is no way to undo it fairly. They screwed up big time and based on past experience I have no faith will make it right.