đŸ§Ș Early Information on Additional Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v31]

Lol indeed. 3 different tanks. And now? Telluria, Telluria and Telluria. Less variance than before if you ask me?

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Do you realize that people spend top dollar for this two heroes? The point here, is that SG presented this heros with some awesome stats, just to make more sales. And then they change their stats? This is just embarrassing. What about the 4*mats? What about the ham and iron spent in talents? I think they just need to leave the heroes untouched,and SG should stop listening to noobs.


and now only Telluria everywhere


You spend money for gems, that i think you get, like i get also every time. HOTM is a bonus, that you get extra if you are lucky, not a comercial product. Also in agrement is writing very cleared that SG can change the stats of any heroe :slight_smile:


Let’s be honest, HoTM are not a bonus. When you pull you primarily pull with the intention to get the HoTM because it has the highest probability rate. In fact every over 5* appearing are the real bonus when you pull.


Preach it my friend. Only thing that needs to be nerfed are the complaints.


Here’s an idea to balance Telly.

First of all, mana generation debuff is not too powerful but also extremely unfun to play against.
Give her defense down instead. That will make her more of a threat.

Second, replace healing over time with a good instant flat heal. About 42% should do it. That way she’s more usable in offense.

Third, remove her minions. There’s more than enough minions in the game as-is.

Next, since she no longer has minions, replace her passive with something more useful - like immunity to defense debuffs. Best perk for a tank, right?

Finally, her damage is purely cosmetic, so replace it with a full party cleanse.

If she’s still too strong this way, could maybe consider making her slow. If too weak, change her element link to give defense against red instead.

I think this would make her about as balanced as most previously existing tanks, and perfectly usable.

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Think this is still too strong. It’s basically kunchen at average speed?


Took less time that I thought for someone to notice and comment about my tongue-in-cheek “idea” of basically making her a green Kunchen :smile:

It does, however, give a good view on her current power level in comparison with the previous meta tanks.


It’s a long time now without any new beta information. Im wondering what they are waiting? 

Yes solved I can choose my heroes and win ez because my mana isnt lock down.

In my opinion game was just broken after Telluria release by mistake of SGG staff, but someone can continue to calling it “new meta” :slight_smile: Six months later we are still playing in broken game, but I know many players that left the game in this time


No because red/fire truly lack widely available cleanser. If Telly is red, Vela is green, and GM is blue, this problem won’t exist because we have a lot of blue cleansers in the meta.

Not enough predator and the pests will become widespread.


Just wow
 what a nerf. Doesn’t even make sense. I have vela but no Telly. Thanks SG. #nospend


Predators and pests won’t go anywhere if they are still the strongest heroes in the game. Yes, it will be easier to defeat them, but this will not make their quantity less or make them weaker. It’s like taking pain reliever when you have brain cancer. Life becomes easier, but the disease will not go anywhere.

You are talking WAY over the heads of anyone making these design decisions lol

It’s crazy to say this game has a “meta” anyway. I know people like the illusion, but this game has no meta. 99% of players use their best hero of each color, because that’s all you can do given the rarity of top heroes. For a game to have a meta:

  1. All cards must be reasonably available to all players.
  2. Gameplay must change significantly with each new release.
  3. Interesting choices and synergies must be present and USABLE by all players.

This game has none of these features. Maybe it has them for the Top 100 whales who have every hero maxed the day they come out, but for 99% of players there is no meta in this game. You “play what you have.”


Maybe, but after Telluria was released I very often see this word here :slight_smile:

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I’ve been seeing it since I started years ago. It’s reflexively how people talk about some kinds of games, but it’s horribly misused in reference to this game. This game is not structured to have a meta, it is impossible for there to be one in this game.

There is such a thing as “pro/competitive meta”, “high level meta” etc.

If you believe there isn’t one in E&P, I welcome you to check wars above 110k war score, or get to 2700 cups and start rerolling raids.

Sure, it only applies to those with the capabilities to reach the top, but these players actually shape the game. Others wouldn’t care about buffs/nerfs in the first place.