đŸ§Ș Early Information on Additional Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v31]

My view of this second round of omnishambles:

  • SG opening up old wounds, not good
  • Vela is ok as is, should not be touched
  • Vela type of heroes that synergize well with certain color tanks by punishing the tank hitting strong color exist (e.g. Zeline behind red, GM behind blue): But there is no such a strong and widely available supertank as Telly for them
  • Imho any further nerf will be taken negatively by most and will definitely not resolve the Telly defenses saturation

What should be done imo:

  • Rework the emblem system so we can change our defenses more easily and cheaply (and even move from hero to hero for free so we can again experiment, of course with anti abuse restrictions)
  • Just please finally show guts and simply remove Telly from the game. At this point I honestly believe this is the best solution for the future of the game
  • Do not touch Vela, she is just fine as is and will not create OP and saturated def pairings with the other green tanks (given above point happens). Still, repeat, do not touch.
  • SG to learn from mistakes, release less heroes, test them more properly, better listen to beta testers feedback. Plus no more superman HOTMs

I hear what you are saying and agree to a point.

Remove Telluria from the game? In your view how would that work? Just delete her from all the rosters? And payback ham, iron, emblems to players? And give what hero to replace Telluria?
Just asking 

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Thank you @yelnats_24,

I was also wanting to point out that Telly crushes your mana generation so even if you have a cleanser it takes longer to charge. BK doesn’t so any one of the MANY dispellers can get rid of his taunt fairly easily.

BK is really a speed bump on defense. He would go from decent to excellent with an undispellable taunt, as is he isn’t even a pale shadow of Telly’s threat.

Even before Telly’s arrival, there were few BK tanks at the very top. That is a sign that the whales thought other heroes made better tanks.

Also - want to register agreement that emblems make switching defensive teams much more onerous. The power gap between the “new” defender and the existing defender must be very large to entice most players to switch (assuming emblems need to be reset off an existing hero which is now probably true in the vast majority of cases).

Thank you JGE, this is also what I hoped for, a good discussion how this could be implemented.

  • If possible to code, I would implement that the replacement hero would be already maxed at 4/80 without emblems
  • Emblems would be returned to the player with respective food/iron crates (or beforehand they could first rework the emblem reset system)

I think the above is the simple part, choosing the replacement hero is the difficult one:

  • What could be the pool? Will now everyone get a Gravemaker, a Hel or a Zeline?
  • Now if they restrict it to past HOTMs, then there are some extremely strong heroes there to choose from. Not sure this is the right way.
  • If we restrict it to only green past HOTMs, then we will see a million zelines, not good
  • Maybe a pool of healer and tank heroes could be created to choose from? I mean this is Tellys role, if we get a replacement hero the role could be similar.

Any ideas from your end or anyone else?
And I also admit, what I suggested may not be implementable in a fair or a good way for the game. But maybe someone has a good idea on this.

And the idea also comes from my frustration on this long saga. I love the game and will love it and play it whatever they do, I would just love to continue playing without these frustrations.

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All I could say, if they are thinking of really changing something, please just make Vela at least equally strong with Zeline. Do not make her weaker than zeline!

If you just decided to erase extra damage, then add a dispell buff/debuff option, attack boost or defense boost. You aired Vela with 4 nodes of special skill, erasing one node is quite unfair.


If that were the constraints then I’d probably go with Kingston personally. Zeline might be second choice.

Personally, I doubt any of this would happen. But theoretically the easy part of the solution ie delete Telluria and give back iron, ham, emblems etc is very much doable at a cost to SG.
The replacement hero in my view would create a huge problem.
You can’t allow people to choose, otherwise you might be deleting A million Telluria to replace her with a million Zeline etc. That just creates a new / different problem that would unbalance the game.
You could create a pool of say the top 10 tanks and give people a coin to pull one of these at random.
Or you could create a pool of the top 10 HOTM and give people a coin to pull from these.
Either way, it’s not going to be fair or even for everyone.
By that I mean what happens if someone gains Clarissa and they already have two with one on max?

You could let check system which hotm player has an exclude it. Thats pretty much programmable. This has to run by each player of course when he/she summons

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If they delete Teluria I’d run Heimdal. He’s very good with the same flanks. Problem solved ?


That has always been my point. It’s not Telluria on her own. Although there is a huge volume of her sitting in rosters out there.
It’s the synergy with the flanks that you need to break. So nerf Vela to solve the problem once and for all

Now what about all the people who have Vela but don’t have Telluria? Such as me. Now you are hurting a hotm people may use for other uses than flanking Telluria.

It’s ridiculous to act like everyone gets every single hotm and expecting every vela user to have Telluria too.

I worked my ■■■ off in this game to level and emblem up my Vela as she is my ONLY hotm I have received in 2020 and now she is getting completely ■■■■■■ over because she pairs well with another hero that is the one that’s incredibly strong. Ridiculous


Question–How many times has Guinevere been changed? What other heroes had multiple nerfs before their current state, and how many did it take?

If I remember well Gui had +94% def against dark before;
Zeline and Athena were multiple times nerfed.

@Kadaxas and everyone interested
 here is the buff nerf history: Hero Buff & Nerf Balance Change History - (See Post #2) - #2 by jinbatsu

Let’s keep this thread for talking about Vela and telluria balances.


Just. Slow. Tella. All other green tanks are slow and make no any problem to attack.


That is where I do not agree on Vela nerf. 1. Vela is significantly weaker behind a slow tank (i never had issue with heimdall). The issue is the strong protection of all the things telly does, no other green tank provides that level of protection to vela. 2. The value of Vela in attack for me is the extra attack against red. Same as I target greens with GM or would blues with Zeline if I had her.

If they remove the extra red attack, that significantly decreases her value for me. And I do not talk about defense, but attack. Same with titans.

Also all the color talk is nonsense to me, an experienced player does not hit with mono, thus does not care about Vela extra red damage when she is in defense. With this logic, lets just remove all the extra color damage specials.

Personally, after the first rebalance I have zero issues beating GTV defenses (not more difficult than other top setups). I understand the issue many players have with the saturation, but it will not go away at all by changing Vela e.g. to the current beta state. This is not the solution. What is?


Fully agreed, very difficult to find a solution that could not create other new issues.

Also this is why I did not propose an RNG option initially, that would most certainly create unfair situations, many of them. Only a choice from a fixed pool could work in theory. But creating that pool is crazy difficult.

I tend to agree that this will most probably not happen.

I just checket the ToL hero pool with older hotms, and I think most of the roster (even if not all) could be used without breaking the game.

Because there arent many clensing red heroes. The fact that Red lacks some basic effects like mana stoppers or clensers makes Green a good tank color.
But thats a problem that shoudlnt be solved by nerfing Vela


Don’t allow to use Telly and Vela together in raid and war defense. Give them back their original stats and skills. (I have both of them.) Problem won’t be solved but the show could go on.

And I have already said in lots of other threads. SG is never going to make everyone happy with further rebalancing of either Vela or Telluria or both.
Personally, I would love to press a reset button and delete one or the other from the game. And yes it would affect me directly. But I really have had enough of all of this nonsense and it’s beginning to spoil my play.
But we need to realise that there must be a rebalance of the game somehow and it’s an unenviable task


Yeah, probably just delete Vela and give all players having her an old blue HotM of their choice, at same levels, and give emblems back with corresponding number of food and iron packs. There is hardly a better solution now.