📗 Dularfulr – 5* Dark / Purple from Untold Tales 2

I guess they thought 4 turns should be enough to compensate for the lack of a third skill


Thats my thought. Even on attack she seems to be ready to fire before the buff runs out

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just landed her, and tbh, I’d take my 2lb’ed 4* kitty over her any day…

even with her just boosting 450hp for all
even with her reflect being only 3 turns
at least she’s actively doing something vs dularfulr’s passiveness of her 2 skills just being sitting ducks


Exactly, which is not needed because she’s fast, and 4 turns is not enough of a compensation for a lack of skills. If they want to give her just these 2 skills, either make both skills undispellable or extend both skills to 5 turns


I’m in a dilemma now as I really love minimalist heroes. I kinda changed my mind now, she’s not Wayne bad like before where I criticised, but overall she’s still not worth the mats as a standalone hero. But I am tempted to train her up just because she has this minimalistic bizarre move set. She actually allows for some unique team building and I think she could work with my roster…and besides there is a very high chance she’s going to be buffed by the next balance patch
Will it be 6 bards wasted or a somewhat decent investment?


The damage reduction can perhaps make Ninjas more viable on Defense. … Dulafulr + Sawano could possibly work to back up a tank from being sniped out.

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Do it! :grin::rofl:


Same thing happened to me, didn’t pull any featured heroes but pulled 2 of her instead :sweat_smile:


Something like this I suppose. She can support nautica and cut down on nature special damage. And Fungustine is a replacement to Ott for the dispel shield


Yeah i had been thinking something similar, maybe with caelen at tank flanked by her and regin. Might make for a frustrating defense

Same thing here lol 20, characters of dupes.

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Got her too, 2 free pulls from the map coins:

Along with Nordri costume which I’ve tried to get for eternity:). Started leveling her, but I do think she is somehow underwhelming comparing her to Ott and Regin, especially considering she has 0.4% chance to get.


Astonishing outdated special. Not up to a legendary standard at all. I understand it’s part of the scheme to have a really bad legendary in all portals but this one takes the cake…


Ok so have leveled her up on 3/70. Still believe she is missing something. She needs heal or an attack. Something still disappointing…

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shes good, a damage reduction is as powerful as healing, she will also be great in bloody wars or tournament where healing is useless


Sawano says: “Hold my beer”

I agree that it looks like she is missing something. Even a 400hp health boost.

That said, I faced a 4-90 version at tank in raids and lost - I forgot to screenshot but she was doing almost 400 burn damage per turn at fast speed which adds up quick.

You might have a more accurate number on this @MountainMann


Some overtime heal should be enough

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Balance discussion for this snake charmer?@PlayForFun

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@Tidyup Here is it for you:

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