Ducks are broken and need to be nerfed

I hate kink shaming, but this one is going too far if you ask me.


Terrible advice of the day: create a “Nerf S1 heroes” topic and see how it goes.


I started watching it and I’m kind of miffed that Della is only a side character. She needs a spin-off! Webby is awesome though.

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Are you actively trying to make my life a living hell? I’ve been away for just a few days and I have like 200 notifications from this thread. Why do you hate me so much? :sob:

Does it mean that you’ll adopt @PlayForFun 's callous suggestion or that you’ll straight up delete them? If it’s the latter, I swear to proclaim you as my new god and to adopt the feral dragon that hangs around in my backyard.


Some days, I’m convinced the universe is conspiring against me.

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@Cheds ’ two favorite things are challenge events and tempting fate.

P.s. I don’t know about the tempting fate part, I’m just trying to deflect the blame.

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Why not zero? A “Don’t hunt ducks flying over your base” mission would be hilariously confusing.


Don’t worry, once she returns to Earth, Della very much becomes a main character!

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I guess there aren’t that many duck hunt challenges eh :stuck_out_tongue:


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: So are villagers and anything you can tap on to quench your blood thirst… I can see your hidden agenda, don’t pretend it’s about gameplay.


I admire your dedication to the cause. As they say, all heroes don’t wear capes - I assume you don’t wear a cape, my apologies if you do.


Actually, it’s already pretty good, but I blame you for introducing me to the show straight through Della’s awesomeness. :joy:

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Well, ducks are fluffy and adorable. They carelessly quack flying over the base. What is not to like about them? To that group of beautiful creatures I can only include dragons. Dragons are majestic and intelligent and that one flying over the mountains I am sure is protecting our base.
But villagers? They are walking aimlessly from one building to another, when you tap on them they don’t even say “Hi, nice to see you! How have you been?” Yes, I tried to talk to them many times, but they ignored me… And once a year they are turning into zombies. Seriously, they are completely untrustworthy…


I will keep try to defeat them.
I could not finish the daily challenge part in the past 2-3 Valors as I accidently skip 1-2 dailies.
So no duck is allowed to fly by, when the POV mission is active about them.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Ok, so you just have a personal vendetta against villagers? I’m not sure how, but it’s a relief.

I… Well… Ya know…

Totally unrelated question, is that you on the picture below?

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Absolutely not, no idea who she is. :smile:

Oh, just leave those poor, poor ducks alone! Can’t you see a bigger threat? Something more evil is coming and you are a saboteur trying to distract us by telling us that ducks are broken! Haha, I just see through you! :face_with_monocle:


Nah, they will put a monument on you! Then the pigeons… Nerf pigeons!


Lucky you. I’ve been so all over the place throughout this thread that I don’t know where I stand anymore.


Yes please. I hate pigeons. Those damn flying rats. I have now alienated both pigeons and rats lovers. I’m getting good at this.


A “Kill one villager” mission would be challenging. Me and @Sorvina would be happy.