Dragon DB by BirksG


I have more than 1,000 pages of E&P content, including a Hero database, but all in Japanese. This is almost the first time I’ve created web content in English, and English is not my native language, so please bear with me. The Dragon database contains all released Dragon data with simple search capabilities. You can bring up the search window anytime by clicking on the search button.

There is a language button in the upper right corner to change the language on the Dragon detail page: EN for English and JA for Japanese. However, the web server will automatically detect your browser settings, so it should default to English unless your language is set to Japanese. You can change the language anyway by clicking on it. Also, the browser cookie will keep your language setting for 7 days and remember it every time you visit the page or reload it.

Solved.: All data is up to date as of V70.1 Initial dragon skill values are based on beta and I’m expecting data accuracy is not very high. Please report if you find any bug or issues. Thanks!

Solved. Note2: Tooltop with ? mark is not working properly for now, I will try to fix this soon.

Update: Add Mana speed buttons for search filter. Thanks for the suggestion @alonyor
Update: All dragon data has been updated with Assist Skill balance change with V71 Update
Update: All dragon data has been update with new stats and spirit bonus changes with additional class and elements bonus. V72 Update


Really, could have fooled me (and did).

Your English is excellent good sir.


@birksg thankx my friend for a great job ,where I can found your guides about dragonspire ( base forge craft…).please


Superb work. Another masterpiece.


This is wonderful
Can you add speed as well ?

For the search button?
Yes, I think I can do that with next update :slight_smile:


Yes. For filtering results

Ok, I added mana speed buttons. I hope it works.


This is incredible @birksg thank you so much you are truly an incredible asset to the community with your calendars and now this you have taken the mantle from Zartanis for us English-speaking players and run with it. Im extremely grateful :pray: thank you my friend.


Thanks you for actually using it. There are many great English content creators while I create for Japanese players, now things have changed and I felt I need to step up. So I kind of had, but I’m happy to doing this because it makes me feel I’m part of the larger community. :wink:


I have shared your site on my youtube channel. You can check the video out here… https://youtu.be/_JOakZakByM?si=juGHN2Eu68NpZZ-V… I use your calendars on the channel too if u look back through some of my video’s. Please know your work is greatly appreciated by 1000s of players :pray:

Just a note on the Dragon DB site. Some of the dragons need to be updated according to their cards in game. U will see in my video there are some differences i have left a note in the description and comments.

I would also like to invite you to a line group i have started for empires and puzzles Content Creators if you would be interested. Just let me know :wink:


Thank you! I just watched your video, and you did a great job! :blush:

As I mentioned in the first post, all data was originally based on the Beta version, but today I spent hours checking all the dragons’ skills, so everything should now match the current live data. If anyone finds any bugs, please let me know!


Thanks so much Birksg :+1: I will definitely keep u in the loop.

If you wanna come and say hi heres the link for that line group I mentioned. https://line.me/R/ti/g/pORJqRZF0q Its all folks who either Create Content for E&P or who are interested in doing so, the idea is to mentor new CCs and offer a little guidance and bring some health and excitement back to the CC Community :wink: as i said before its totally no pressure and you can be as active or inactive as u want so completely no extra stress. But at least we can have a natter about nerdy E&P stuff :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I don’t mind to join your group and help others, but it’s difficult because of the restrictions with Japanese LINE. Japanese LINE has some unusual restrictions, and only a few specific phone carriers allow joining via URL (due to age verification required). Unfortunately, my phone provider is not supported, so I can’t join using the link you provided, unless if someone who is already in the group invites me.

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Great little resource :+1:


Thanks @birksg another wonderful edition to the vast gaming resources for E&P !


Amazing! Whats your line ID I will invite? Or @birksg you can add me if u prefer. My line ID is mcnaulty

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Thanks for that Database, I like it very much and already sent it to my alliance :heart:

Plz keep going like that.

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@birksg : your tool is awesome, well built and mobile compliant, you rock, love your work !! :heart:


@Nynaeve_alMeara , thank you for introduce my tool in your thread :slight_smile:

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