Dragon Cohort TMA looking for the right ones

Thanks for all the support! But if this person continues I will just ask a mod to close the thread and wait until they wears themselves out chasing their own miserable tail.:crazy_face:
You are more than welcome to visit anytime you wish @Ship ā€¦ it was a pleasure playing beside you!


I realize your original message is almost a year old but this part caught my eye. Probably has something to do with (another) imminent loss due to missed flags. I looked up your alliance and saw you were half full. I have 2 accts, either can hold roughly 2400 and have played off and on since 2018. Donā€™t spend a lot on the game. Would be interested in joining ur group. Thanks.

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We are comfortable with half full ā€¦looking for the right fit not just warm bodies :wink:
That said ā€¦we donā€™t judge ā€¦ the only true requirement is participation.

I noticed you found a place to land in your looking post. Best of luck I hope you find happiness.
If it doesnā€™t work out your welcome to give us a try (yes we still use all war flags if opted in) just knock.

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thanks for stopping by @Scotp thoroughly enjoyed your visit, please feel welcome to pop in again sometime
Have fun on your world tour!
And may the portals show you kindness!!


Thanks @L33tVortex. Really enjoyed my visit. Nice group! You guys are on the short list for a final home. Going to be bouncing for a few more months. Have 5 or 6 more alliances from my post to visit.


Nice of you to pay us a visit and youā€™re welcome to come back anytime

All the best in your travels


Well itā€™s almost Monster island beta event and Iā€™m excitedā€¦I sure miss ixi our MI event coordinator but I am definitely looking forward to having some heavy funā€¦not sure about the new changes yet but we have a really great group of people playing togetherā€¦so should be a thrilling good ride!!!
Good luck and have fun everyone!!!

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We had fun as expected! I really believe this time around was a bit less hectic, somewhat more organized, but still a blast!
Bumping the thread to keep us open but still not stressing to fill up but looking for the right fit.

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Bumping the thread ā€¦
but still looking for that ā€œright fitā€
May the portals show you kindness!

Well we still have room for that just right fit.


Take care @Nosajimiki and come back whenever youā€™re ready youā€™re always welcome & wanted

Well my alliance mates seem to think we need some new blood in our sweet little mix ā€¦so here goesā€¦
Looking for that right fit!!! Knock on the door and will let you in :wink:


Iā€™ve found a home but would highly recommend dragon cohort. Enjoyed my time visiting with them. Friendly & welcoming group.


Thanks for the praise @Scotp and happy you found yourself a great place to play. If anyone else is in need of an active yet casual place to playā€¦just drop us a line or knock on the door :smile:

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@pef might be a right fit for you guys

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Thanks @Skellet53
ā€¦just give him my line LINE Add Friend or have him knock ā€¦ any cat luver works for me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: &
l33vortex on discord

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Hey, maybe u can check out and see if you can work things out @L33tVortex ,
He doesnā€™t have Line but heā€™s here at the forum too. @Jammoner

Thanks! I went ahead and got Line. @L33tVortex you can add me on Line and we can talk about a merger. Line ID is jammoner

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Oh, thatā€™s good. :grin:

Guys, can u just let me know if it went good? I still have a friend who can work with either of you guys.

Goodluck, hope for the best


OMG ā€¦I just accidentally rejected a person trying to join the allianceā€¦ Sajin lvl 80 I believe was the name. I apologizeā€¦I am genuinely sorry for my mistake. Please try again & if not, no hard feelings and I hope you find the perfect home.

rejection sucks and this was not intentional

LOL more rules in new group.