Dragon Cohort TMA looking for the right ones

Sorry to hear that … I took a game break and missed the unfortunate incident … lots of wonderful alliances out there if your not too disillusioned …
Best wishes in your travels

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Yes, last night we kicked out a large group of players. Whilst there were many individuals in the group who were exemplary in their performance, commitment and communications, there were others who were not so great. War flags had been missed on occasions and very often, some wouldn’t bother hitting titans, despite our alliances clear requirement to do so. We, as an alliance tried our best to accommodate and help this group to integrate but these efforts were stymied by their unwillingness to do so, they have their own line group and didn’t bother joining ours which is frankly ignorant and rude. It is only becoming clear today how unpleasant this situation was for our core members, a number of whom were intending on leaving. We have already lost an irreplaceable member and the thought of potentially having lost more valued team mates leaves me in absolutely no doubt that we did the right thing.
To the group we kicked, we wish you the best. It wasn’t a good fit but maybe you can find an alliance that works better for you.
@L33tVortex you’re always welcome back. Hope you are well. All the best.

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Max, this will be my last post on this as I’ve spent far too much time on this already. We don’t have a line group, we use WhatsApp and only kept it as a social platform since we’ve been playing together for over 3 years.
From day one we were told that your line group wasn’t very active and most team communication was done in game. I don’t keep a big social media presence, so adding another one is not how I roll unless required.
There are a couple of problems I have with how this all went down. First off is the anger that was brought out (you know who I’m talking about). If you have problem with a player you go directly to that player and handle it. Being challenged to go “one on one with every one of you” is not very conducive to team cohesiveness. As you said most of us followed the rules and played like all others. Hell, I even posted in this thread to try to help recruit, and I get kicked without a word.
Finally, I don’t believe you when you say you wish us the best. Read your alliance banner and tell me those are well wishes. You can say one person put that there, but the rest of you allowed it to stay. That’s rude and inconsiderate.


Still looking to add a member … my spot is open … to see if this is a fit for you just give a try

Sounds pretty good. Let’s discuss!

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Just knock …they’ll open the door*
Line mimi6869

  • you will need to tell them who you are

Nice job hunter60. You accomplished what you wanted.

I have come home :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and am able to play casually but we still have room for a member or two …
If interested give us a poke in here or on line…

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Hey L33t wanted to ask this question long ago out of curiosity, but I somehow think it’s a bit inappropriate to ask. But now just ran into him again, I just can’t stop myself :smiley: The player named L33tRocket84458. Is he your brother or something :joy::joy::joy:

Lol…no relation. But I will look out for them…:smiley:

L33T - Internet Language
L33T is a Internet Language which substitues for English alphabet. L33T - the word itself - means “elite”,. which is used for good gamer, and it is also …

You may still run into a few more of us…


Awe…they thinks me a cheerleader…how sweet.

Not quite sure what the post above me is referring to but as a whole Dragon Cohort TMA is very supportive and non-judgemental group of people. Anyway … stop by for a visit and make your own decisions … may the portals show you kindness!


Well sweetpea.I didnt flag your post. In addition, if you had been a member during the “drama” you reference you would know that I was on hiatus and don’t actually have any experience during this unkind situation. Lastly having scanned your profile activity you seem to be a rather unhappy leaning more towards bitter person and I am finished interacting with you. Oh don’t forget to get the “last word” in little man.
May you find some joy in your world.

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Behave yourself…. As my mother used to say ‘if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”…
Especially true when this is not a general discussion thread …
It’s a recruitment posting - why on earth troll it…
Rather than bash our game colleagues (family) let’s be more supportive of each other …
I am not a member of this alliance but I have every respect for @L33tVortex


Lol my initial reply here would’ve answered your question as to why had it not been hidden by this alliance members ; )

You must not know how this forum works regarding hidden and flagged content - any one person (minus staff or mods) can’t just hide your comment. More then one person must report each hidden comment. Comments deemed as not breaking forum rules/guidelines can be shown again if a staff member or mod deems it appropriate. Essentially, the secondary claim you’re trying to make of the recruiter silencing you is not true.

I was one of those who reported your initial comment. If you can’t be civil and respectful in a comment/post, per the forum rules, then that post should be flagged and hidden. This is functioning appropriately.

I have nothing to do with this Alliance or anyone who has been in it/is in it. It all comes down to interacting in an appropriate manner for this forum.


Bumping our thread … active/casual general good lot of players

It’s time we clean up this Forum … and you could make a start by stopping spamming this recruitment thread with your unfounded and rude comments.
This is a good alliance and @L33tVortex is an exemplary member of this Forum.


They say it takes a village to raise a child…

But, seems every village has an idiot, and every bridge a troll.

Vortex is an exceptionally respectful and helpful forum member. Reminds me that next time I’m out and about I need to stop by Dragon Cohort.


I recommend that you actually try out the alliance rather than spread unfounded rumours and speculations, but based on your attitude here, you’d be a miserable addition that I don’t care to subject myself to


I visited this alliance a few months ago and they were excellent. Very welcoming and active. Would 100% recommend. Thanks for having me.