Don't waste your time on legend! - Tavern Of Legends Vent Thread (Odds, Summons etc...)

Summoning odds of Tavern of Legends is the worst IMHO, I did pull many times in the past and the result is always disappointed. Now I only summon hero with the token that I earn from the mission, never spend gem on that, never.

Devs doesn’t give customer higher chance to get decent hero ? fine, we spend less money on the game, fair.

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Really, you are so lucky and get care by devs. :+1:

How the heck did you get her this month?

Got 2nd GM in the first TOL event and a third one on the second TOL. I only want 5 past HOTMs from the Tavern: Delilah, Zimkitha, Hel, Zeline and Malosi.


I meant for the April during Grimforest event. She was my 1st free event pull and Frida was during pulled from my second free pull from Taverns.

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I have stopped to attempt in taverns of legend.rather than being disappointed I prefer to stop wasting time.

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I did a 39 pull and got a couple of useless 4* and loads of 3* heroes. Waste of cash really.

You got two HOTM from ToL? That is actually very good luck. Congrats! Who was the other HOTM you got?

Legend tavern is the worst place to grab hero’s. god knows why players still try :man_facepalming:t3:… The hero’s are not even that good aswell now compared to the season 3 and 4 hero’s plus theres even a new event at the end of the month circus BS with even more new good hero’s. Why waste your money it’s crazy lol.

Well, looky what happened. I vowed a while ago not to spend money on TOL, despite being graced with an extra Frida and Kingston a while ago. With my two free pulls this time around, I was blessed with Evelyn. Still won’t spend money on this portal, as the odds are horrible, but thankful nontheless.

Thanks! Just Grimble :rofl: but I am satisfied with it.

I have not been impressed with the villains event nor with S4 heroes so far, despite the higher stats. For me the best heros at the moment are in costumes and in S3. I haven’t looked at the Starfall ones yet. In regards to TOL I have gotten Musashi, Myztero, Zelina and Delilah. Love my Myztero, got some use out of Musashi but probably no more, unlikely to level Delilah and Zeline is a possibility. I would love a second Myztero - that would make one war team almost impossible to beat. I would also really love a GM, an Onatel, Hel, Gregorion, Zimkitha, Neith, Miki. Of course there are quite a few that I would be quite neutral about, and quite a few that I would not feel too good about pulling. So overall I agree that it is not the best portal to pull from… but I keep hearing that siren call from Myztero #2

Best minion counter in the game, that is a great get

Yeah, a nice counter to Freya, Bera Meta​:ok_hand: Thanks :laughing:

E inaceitável em uma convocação das lendas, a porcentagem ser tão baixa para conseguir um herói 5* ou pelo menos um do evento que fosse 4*. ( fiz 4 convocações nada a ver com o evento, além do mais 3*) resumindo foi triste.

Google translation:
It’s unacceptable in a summons of legends, the percentage being so low to get a 5* hero or at least one of the event that was 4*. (I made 4 calls nothing to do with the event, plus 3*) In short, it was sad.

You might want to add to this thread here in English

The only time i get a decent hero from Legends, is the bonus draw you get after 10 other draws

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Thy will do nothing about it, thy never did anything that could be good for the usual player.

It’s like going out to a fancy restaurant, paying the premium and getting a bland. out off date, microwave dinner.


Is this still the worst for summons, if so what is the best. Is it Ninjagos?