I like this because then we can just mute the whole mess in one click. :+1:

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Not that I ever thought that it wasn’t, but “Don’t Nerf Aife” just earned ‘good topic.’

This thread is finally getting the recognition it deserves, and I’m glad the gaming community could come together in firm support.

You hear that SG? If you want to nerf Aife, you’re going to have to go through us!


We’ve been asked to merge our thread, and so:

 @HeathenHammer said...

In the spirit of all of these ridiculous nerf requests I am going to create my own. I demand a nerf of Aife! Her androgynous features creep me out and she is way too powerful (I have no idea how but I am sure she is) for a one star hero. I demand a nerf immediately!

 @HerrKa said:

I really wish you’d leave Aife alone!

I’m thin on the ground with greens (they’re notoriously underpowered) and I have her emblemed. I’ve invested a lot of cash and mats over the years.

So please give us Aife users a break!

You can’t always nerf a great heroine just because the user base works out a creative synergy which wasn’t forseen upon release!


 @yelnats_24 said:

Yup, she is OP compared to the rest of 1* hero…

But… wait for S4 1*… :crazy_face:

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