Does my offensive raid team have to be my defense team?

I have separate teams set up for defense, titan fighting, and world level fighting. They vary little, since my bench isn’t deep. I wanted to use my world team for offensive raiding, but it keeps getting changed back to my defense team. Is that a bug, a feature, or am I just not doing it right?

Basically, the issue is that I have Danzaburo 4^70+4 as my tank on defense, and I want to switch him out with my Onatel 3^68 on raid offense. Their stats are really similar at this point, but Danzaburo has the cool evade talent that should help on defense, plus it’s not possible for the AI to misuse his special (since it hits all) the way it undoubtedly will Onatel’s. But Onatel’s special in my human hands will (hopefully) be more useful on offense, considering Danzaburo will misfire 1/3 of the time.

Of course, all of this becomes moot when I get enough darts to max Onatel, but that could be a few more months. (I have 3/6.) It’s just a pain to have to remember to reset my defense team every time, but I’m not sure how to raid with another team.

There is an icon to choose for your defensive team.

When you initially click on raids it will show your defense team but when choosing your matchup the team you want to use should be on top.

Are you saying my Team 1 should be the one to show when choosing matchups? I’ve got my defense team designated with the icon, but it also happens to be my Team 1. Could that be the issue?

It shouldn’t, but I’m not sure if I understand your issue. Are you saying that after a raid your team 1 that is also your defense is being updated with the lineup you use to raid?

My defense team is team 1 with the icon.

But I raid with 2 or 3. Team 2 comes up when I go into pick my opponent.

When I go to raid for the first time, my defense team comes up. I press “Find Opponents”, and my raid team moves up to the top, above my opponent’s defense team. I press “Edit Team” to switch to another group for offense, but when I swipe over to that team and press “Apply”, I return to the matchup screen with my defense team still set as the attackers. Does that make it more clear?

Ahhh, you don’t switch your attack team with the Edit Team button, but you switch by swiping the team to the left or right above the Edit Team button. You only have to do that once and then the game will remember that, for instance, Team 2 is your offense team.

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As @Starlynk says, you don’t need to edit your defense team. Swipe to get the team you would like to use for raids, and when your roster grows, you can use the edit button to choose between your attack heroes based on the defender lineup.


Well, I kinda feel stupid now, not because of your answers, but because I think I should have been able to figure that out! In my defense, the swipe only seems to work after you press “Find Opponent”, which seems odd. Anyway, I am now better informed, and I thank you both, @Starlynk and @Oraculogamer, for your time and help.

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I can’t help with the feeling, but can tell you’re not alone. I’ve spent several hours/days looking at the Edit Team function wandering why Team 1, why 5 little dots below the name if I was seeing only one team. Touching the dots, touching the name, and nothing. It was reading the Coppersky’s guide (Coppersky's Compendium - an unofficial game guide) where I found the reference to swipe the team and bang!

Good luck with your rides!