Discussion about exploiting the Troop/Hero XP Bug

Roll back of levels is a minimum but I hope more can be done. Can’t believe devs hasn’t picked up on this issue earlier. With actual information of how much money is spent this exploit should be obvious. I hope we will get a response. Players have been able to use this explicit to get event winnings and so on. I find it very hard to pay a cent on this game until addressed and i think it borders on fraudulent to let players keep spending money while unknowingly trying to keep pace with cheating players. We really need a response @mhalttu.


Its unfortunate that some must do this. But all games have problems with players taking advantage of bugs various in ways.I remember a post in global from a player months ago saying how they got so many hero’s/troops so fast at such a low level. I suppose they slipped & told how they got there so fast.

I will be playing the proper way & not use bugs or any other unreputable ways. This bug should be fixed, & players taken care of who get everything they want without spending one sent. I understand, TheBully s frustration, & hope the developers will do something. This is the same reason I quit, Terra Battle, because nothing was ever done.

Ouch, this sounds really bad! I can imagine how awful players who worked hard/paid for their legit troops must feel put on such disadvantage by bug abuse. Sorry to hear it, guys :frowning:

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The development team learned about the bug on Friday, and we fixed it on the same day.

As others have written above, it was not easy to abuse this bug, especially on higher troop levels.

We take a strong stand against cheating. We have identified the players who have clearly abused the bug, and taken the appropriate action on their accounts.

Another thing we strongly oppose is witch hunts. Naming and blaming people based on their progress is almost as unacceptable as cheating.


Good call! And good response time!


underwhelming… an exterme politicians answer.
specify please.

It’s SG inaction and lack of communication that feeds the naming and blaming.

COMMUNICATE properly. or hire someone who can.

(EDIT) Apparently this comment is considered hostile enough by the powers at be to give me a warning…


Appropriate action being??

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I publicly apologize to all the people who have been hurt by my initial post. The fear that this game could lose its balance due to a bug made me act instinctively.


Umm No Tjoop. You’re responsible for your own actions. You went on a personal witch Hunt for a few players and were proven wrong. It isn’t E&Ps fault, it’s yours.


This will be my only post on this topic, so any further discussions with me will fall on deaf ears. Only reason i am posting this late is because my name has been cleared and you all can no longer accuse me as a cheater.

First, thanks Small Giant for taking care of the issue and clearing the name of the wrongly accused.

I feel like i need to say something as one of the wrongly accused and on behalf of the others that were wrongly accused as well.

I humbly accept the OPs apology. however i want to point out 3 things, 1 was addressed, the other 2 people still do not seem to understand. And no, this is not beating a dead horse despite what a lot of you may think.

  1. It is never ok to use real people as examples of potential wrongdoing without proof. And having better heroes/troops then you is not proof. Your post had a few people on them and all of them that i can remember still have their accounts and their troops AFTER SG addressed the issues and the accounts of people who abused the glitch. Meaning you caused real damage to completely innocent people. Here is an example of said damage:

I know you removed the names and such later on, but it was too late by that point. This brings me to my 2nd point.

  1. After doing the damage, instead of apologizing right off the bat, you actually said we need to prove our innocence before you do so.

So let me get this straight, you come here in a public forum and drag our names in the dirt without ANY proof and WE have to prove our innocence? How does that make any sense whatsoever? Your irresponsible post has made life difficult for me in the game for the time being (for all i know that was your original intention) and you refusing to apologize because you threw out my name without any proof simply because my troops are good is completely unacceptable.
I have already accepted your apology, but i have to say, it came a little too late. And i dont know if the other people you accused have forgiven you (and i will not hold it against them if they do not).

  1. Every single game has bugs and issues, and every game has mechanisms to report those issues and ask any follow up questions. Use those methods. Small Giant is amazingly easy to get in touch with and are super responsive. They are overall a great group striving hard to give us a good experience. I am 100% sure that if you contacted them directly, they would have responded exactly as they have now without making the lives of real innocent people miserable. Also, Small Giant is not a political group, they do not need to name drop people who have done wrong nor do they have to tell us what the repercussions are. The only thing they owe us is a fix and knowledge that there were repercussions which they have done.

That is all. Sorry if i came across really harsh but what i said needed to be said so people understand that their actions have consequences on real innocent people.


… this bores me. The issue is information. but you like the high horse. It’s been confirmed that cheating did occur. it is unfortunate that people got singled out. I Have personally apologised to zero and in game chat. and am happy to do it here too.

My comment was about SG handling of the issue.

But sure let’s make it my fault.

also I sold uranium to North Korea

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What a disappointing thread. You didn’t even use the proper channels, but dragged people through the mud in an open forum, based on a hunch. Juvenile doesn’t even begin to describe this.


Tjoop, why assume Xero’s post is to you? Isn’t he speaking to the Original Poster? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

SG has stated their stance: Cheating is not okay. Witch hunts are not okay. PERIOD.

I didn’t. I was answearing viv. something that should be clear by the fact that my post is replying to her post.

SG can avoid witch hunts by dealing with issues and communicating better around it…

I haven’t cheated. the fact that I was unnecessarily harsh on one player stems from a conversation we had a few days ago. He told me he wasnt being truthful at that time and I have apologized for specifically mentioning him in regards to the cheating issue… cause again there has been cheating but let’s get upset at the person who is upset by that… hivemind much?

“appropriate channels” more politician speak.

but you have the back of your own, I respect that.

this thread as far as I am concerned is about confirmed cheating and what SG has done/intends to do about it.

but sure do your thing

Ah, my phone’s tiny screen is to blame!

I apologize for misreading your post. And the Hive is just fine, thank you. :smile:

In the end, right theme with the wrong words.

It’s really true that he may have used other “channels” to promote this kind of topic without accuse anything or anyone and don’t cause a “witch hunt” between players.
It’s also true that make it “in the sunlight” of the forum obligated devs to take action and report it to everyone.

Sooooo, he is to blame… but not too much.

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It has been confirmed. It’s been confirmed they dealt with it. It’s done and we can all move on, yet here you still go. They don’t owe us an announcement of the who and what. With all the people playing the game and everyone who knew about it after reading this post and your tirades in chat, only what, two of you (?) Was so obsessed with throwing out names and accusing people. That isn’t on Small Giant. You’re driving the Tjoop bus, it’s you.

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Except the “in the sunlight” portion didn’t require individual players to be singled out.

That is the core issue: not that the exploit was brought to light on the forums, it was calling out individuals with no shred of evidence.

That is slander and in the real world, at least under the US legal system, it would’ve been grounds for a defamation lawsuit. There’s a reason why it’s illegal, because it does damage reputations and that can have a real personal and economic impact.

Reputations still do matter in game: just because the players are anonymous doesn’t make it “OK” or “not too much” with regards to blame. There aren’t two sides to this ameliorating a single action, it’s two separate actions: bringing the exploit to the public’s attention, and calling out individuals… apparently unjustly as I’ve heard reports this morning of some accounts being banned.

Note I’m not mentioning any alleged banned individual person’s account here.

In any event I fully understand the anger as the people listed here were wronged and this has shown up both in Line and in Global Chat.


I never mentioned a name in here.
But again I’m sure the view is awesome from the high horse, or is it a unicorn?

only 2 people cared you say, that is such a fundamental misunderstanding of the issue and this thread that I’m just speechless.