Demon Queens & Kings currently has 2 spots available. We are looking for experienced players at level 38+ and our trophy requirement is 1600. We are an active, international, and family-friendly alliance and currently working on 8/9* Titans. We require daily hits on Titan but war is optional (but if you opt in and do not use flags, you will be kicked). You can contact us here or through line (just provide your id) if you have any questions, but otherwise you can just join directly and see if you are a good fit with our group.
Hi KBT, thank you for your interest! You seem to have a lot to offer our alliance, and we would be delighted to have you. Congratulations on your deep war bench! If you decide to stay with us, I believe you will be promoted quickly up the ranks, as we reward based on merit and activity here; we have a very democratic environment here with good communication between the leadership. Come give us a try, and let’s get to know each other better. Our leader is named Bandit, if that will aid you in finding us in alliance search easier.
@KBT Not sure if you are busy with war right now but we did just get a rare blue 8* Titan if you want to join us for it (20 hours left)
Hi JM. Would be flattered to join your Alliance. Apologies for late reply. Is the slot still available?
Yes it is, we will be waiting for your request
We still have one spot available for anyone who is looking for mid-tier and active group.
@KBT. Just checking if you found another alliance or if you are interested in joining us?
Apologies JM… Am in another Alliance now… Take care and all the best to you and your Alliance.
Hi JM. Have left my Alliance and sent in a request to join your Alliance. Thanks
Hi @KBT, we are a little perplexed when you left us abruptly. Is it possible to chat on Line?
Apologies JM. Didn’t feel that I was able to positively contribute to the Alliance. Hence… my decision to leave the Alliance. Always place great importance on the Alliance. Appreciate the opportunity to play along you guys. My regards to all.
I beg to differ @KBT. I think you have been a positive catalyst for our transition to becoming more competitive. We hope you do not feel that any of us made you feel unwelcome. I hope you reconsider your decision. We enjoyed your stay here
Thank you for the kind words JM. You are a kind leader and I do appreciate playing along your kind self. I apologise for the short stay in your Alliance and I am sure you, Bandit and the other co leaders would do a swell job bringing your Alliance to greater heights.
I regret that I am unable to contribute further and I do wish you and all the very best always. Do take care.
@KBT btw we won the war by over 650 points. Thank you for providing your experience and guidance while you were with us
Heartiest Congrats JM. Awesome win… Am pretty sure you guys will get much better in the coming wars. Salute.
Update: 2 spots are currently open
We have been hitting 9* Titans recently and even downed our first 10* last week. We added a war strategy which works with our international group, and we’ve been successful with it so far. Our group as a whole is progressing and we are happy to take a few more along who are also of the same mindset.
One spot left
Bump. We currently have 3 spots available and hitting 9 and 10* Titans, with a solid international war strategy
We have one spot left!