December 2023 TENTATIVE Calendar (Trials, Rare Quests, Mirages Of Omega, Aether / Ascension / Covenant Summons, Opera, CoE (Holy), Underwild, Goblin Village, Atlantis, Dunes, Untold Tales, Valhalla, Owl Tower, Costume Chamber, CF1)

This should be arriving on Jan. 3rd.


Another day, another P2W-only calendar update. Where is the Covenant Quest!?
By the way, I have the data for Mystic Summon. It has been enabled only for the past Valhalla Summon we just got so far but I will update my calendar predictions later to include a mention if Mystic Summon is enabled. I will also do another post to share the odds of the Mystic Summon for each summon gate where it can be applied by SGG.


I imagine Hammertusk is going to make that pickup summon very appealing to many people, even though we just had Snowball in the last one

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A covenant summon without Brimstone? Iā€™m stunned

20 chars of irony


wtf thats a sick lineup - seems like they need to reach some revenue targets before this year ends

covenant is really the one portal to summon


I wonder whether Starwalker wonā€™t be switched out at the last moment. But all great heroes and one super-elemental hero (and good one on top) from which I have none. Will do some pulls here.

Shaal is the new Brimstone.


Petri could not provide me any update on this.
He just said he raised the devā€™s attention to this again, and they will announce the Dates in News & Updates section (I suspect in the calendar) once they are known.


ugh yes, super important question! Those ā€œfreeā€ coins rewards are very important


As fast as theyā€™re adding heroes to Covenant portals, I have a feeling that Satori and one of the owls will be featured in one in January


farrah also very soon i guess

expected her on this portal - sg needs some of our xmas money :rofl:

lol at everyone that did spend serious cash on starwalker for 0,1 (and i know a bunch of people did) and now he is here with way better odds

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Dude, you are a straight-up wizard! This info is much appreciated. And it hacks me off that much more that SGG would rather have our Oracle rummaging around in their code than just taking five minutes to communicate directly with the players about this stuff.

With lots of (untested) new costumes rolling out next week, fingers crossed for a mystic summon in the costume chamber. :crossed_fingers:


I have asked Staff whether is it possible to put untested additioanl Toon costumes into the currently running Beta or not.
So far I have not heard back from them :frowning:


Covenant Quest announcement is here:


Nice. And both Quest and Portal are +/- at the same time.


Oh fantastic, costume chamber and covenant quest both for Christmas day.
8 pulls for costumes so far, and the 2 free.
2 pulls for covenant and then the 3 other from the questā€¦ fingers crossed I get at least one new hero/costume, but lets assume I wont :rofl:


Finally, thatā€™s great news. The portal will also run concurrently so we will be able to use our earned through gameplay coins for F2P/VC2P players :heart_eyes:


definitely making time for this - probably will wait for the fam to get drunk, then play :stuck_out_tongue:

and indeed, finally the quest and portal align too!


Souls ci sono novitaā€™?

Yup. long time on the crapper to finish a few levels! :rofl:

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Soul Exchange list was revealed a while ago, it comes tomorrow so just wait 12 hours and see, or go looking in the Master topic for Soul Exchange for the lists

Oh or, look at the December calendar, bottom left corner it shows all of the heroes in Soul Exchange

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