Dark fire alliance is looking for a new member, we are in the top 10 alliance… we need active member for daily titan attack we ask for at least 1800 trophies but if you have more your welcome !!!
We are still looking for a member feel free to join!!!
Dark fire alliance is looking for two membera, we are in the top 10 alliance… we need active member for daily titan attack we ask for at least 2000 trophies but if you have more your welcome !!!
Too late, we are full now.
Dark Fire is looking for 2 active players. 2000 trophies required.
So im interested however I am not at your cup level requirement now. I once had 2100 plus cups until the game changed.
What is your current trophies count and your team power?
Trophies requirement is only for filtering low level players.
We have usually 8* titans and some 7 & 9 *. If the player is too low, he won’t be able to last long.
Team power is 3321. I don’t have much experience in high level titans since my current alliance is myself and one other person. Will to take advice for sure on titan battles. I am very active and willing to learn and take advice. When I am not attempting to fill my raid chest my cups range from 1800 to 2100.
We may help you if you have any problem. Come join us.
I changed the requirement to 1800.
Does your member is around your level? If so, he may join us too if he want.
Cool thanks. I’ll let the other person know. She is slightly below me on skill because she doesn’t have a team like mine. I’ll see if she is interested.
We have only 1 spot left.
I am interested and I meet the requirements
Come join us, you are welcome
I’ll send the invite in 5 minutes Ania
It’s an open alliance, no needs to send an invite,
Sorry, we are full. Maybe next time.
So what happened to my slot. I go to bed and it’s full?
Sorry, we have an open alliance. Everybody can join.
When you are interested to an aliance, you have to join quickly.