đŸ€ș D’Artagnan – 5* Fire / Red from Brave Musketeers

My own experience is the burn is much more valuable than the snipe (which is still incredibly strong btw), so target the tankiest enemy and watch as the team burns to death

Exactly, this is why I love using teams with Emilio, Sobek and Iku-turso together because the burn, water, and sand is enough to kill the whole team for ver a few turns. This burn damage is next level and will be great synergy with Emilio

You gonna replace Dart’s superior burn with Emilio’s burn. I would say Dart has terrible synergy with any burn caster


This is true, I got ahead of myself thinking of him like Russell and would help get the most out of Emilio without thinking of his burn damage being overwritten. My bad.

Anyone tested this guy yet? When his burn spreads, will the timer reset for each new target, so they get 3 turns, or will the fire go out at the same time on all affected parties?

It works the same as Rayne’s poison. If you hit the tank in classic raid formation, the initial target will burn for 3 turns. The following turn, if the tank is not already dead, flanks will burn for 2 turns. Then, the wings will burn for 1 turn.


So if you hit a flank, the opposing wing will not get burned?
Seems like it should have had an additional turn maybe

D’Artagnan or Roughian & Nurgib
who should I ascend?

  • D’Artagnan
  • Roughian & Nurgib

0 voters

The musketeer is fast vs Rayne’s average, if the burn lasted 4 turns like Rayne’s poison it would be way too OP.

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Definitely! He’s fast he’s better he have great passive skills i own this card and very much usefull

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D’artagnian and Matilda
570 DoT on top of the massive hit
Good luck with that

Don’t you want the target to survive? Still trying to decide if I should level him. BTW, I know you, haha!!

You do
That’s why I emblem him for health and defence.
You also need to toughen him up due the cover feature

My thoughts after Feb 2023 balance update:

  • Healing buff: nice and works well with cover. Unless you’re using a different heal over time hero, then they conflict. It would’ve been preferable to make the heal-over-time built into the cover buff itself so that it can stack with regular heal-over-time, overheal-over-time, etc.
  • 470% is still too much damage for burn to spread. By the time you get the 3 matches of damage, plus he snipe and one round of burn (now >400 per turn with troops!) the enemy is very likely dead and the burn doesn’t spread. A number in the 400-425% range might do it.

they better change the skill. Hit target n nearby 300% then with burn effect 1020 over 3 turns


Updated card. Burn is 500+ with troops per turn

Well, the same situation was with Rayne.

Her initial hit was too strong to spread even the weaker poison that this burn.

Then the SGG ‘designers’ thought
hmmm, let’s make an ever stronger snipe than Rayne at the begining. Surely, at this brainstorm meeting everybody were so euphoric about their creativity.

Then, they needed to balance the hero the same way as Rayne. But his hit is still stronger than Rayne’s initial hit.

I think someone got a raise.


Not bad now, 800 on the intial hit


Are you full attack path?

Looks like i skipped one attack node

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